Test God…Or Not?
Test me, don’t test me. The bible confuses me some on the topic of testing the Lord. Today, I’m wondering about what he means when he challenges me to test him.
Confess or Conceal?
If we really want to make changes, heal, get better, there comes a point in time we must “confess”. As much as we all hate to do it, freedom in life begins with our admissions we are no longer in control and are powerless over our lives.
Openly Honest
In America, we area always looking over our shoulder. Why? Everyone lies.
Why does everyone lie?
They want to be liked.
So we live in a sham.
Who has the guts to speak the truth?
Appreciation vs Affirmation
Everyone needs to feel appreciated at times. But do they need to feel affirmed?
What’s the difference?
I’d like to discuss that here.
Wait (Patiently)
Waiting and Trusting in something we can’t lay our eyes on. This is faith. I am challenged right now to remember…I must live by faith, not by sight.