Wait (Patiently)
“The Lord is my light and my salvation—
so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger,
so why should I tremble?” Psalm 27:1
“Teach me how to live, O Lord.
Lead me along the right path…” Psalm 27:11
“Wait patiently for the Lord.
Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14
I remember the relief I felt on two different occasions.
I worry. I worry far too much. It’s a hereditary trait I wished were not there. It demonstrates such a lack of faith.
I can think of a few occasions where a sense of relief filled my soul.
Once, years and years ago, I finally broke down and went to see the doctor. Over a period of months, I developed what were like scales on the skin of my eyelids. They burned, itched, flaked, and even bled at times. It was not a lot of fun.
I never like going to the doctor. It is scary. “What are they going to find?” “Will it be my death sentence?” The pain I was in with the problem finally won out so I went in.
He observed my eye lids and then asked me a few questions.
“Have you by chance changed your shampoo?”
“When you shower, do your rinse your head from the back and let the water flow down over your face, or do you turn around and rinse your head from the front, letting it flow down your back?”
“Facing forward, letting it run over my face?”
He then suggested the problem was the new shampoo in combination with it running over my eyelids when I showered. Try turning around and rinsing letting the water run down your back.
Within days I found relief and in a few weeks, it was gone.
So simple, yet I thought sure it was so much more serious.
In another example, for years I feared finding out what the lump in my neck was. I have a large lump in my neck to the left of my throat if you are looking at me.
It always bothered me and I fretted finding out what it was. I was certain, for years, it was a cancerous growth that would eventually kill me.
Finally, I think after Joyce Meyers podcast I heard, I went in and had a scan done to find the answers.
After the scan and a week or more of waiting, I found out it’s nothing more than a lipoma. A condition that is hereditary and consistent with the other lipomas I have throughout my body.
And these stories don’t even come close to the relief felt the day the doctors, after weeks of waiting, came into the hospital room little Levi was in to tell us that he did NOT have cancer.
So here I am, today, at 54, in a little bit different place.
I feel differently about doctors now having watched what took place over the Cornavirus madness. Of course there were so many government lies and censorship. Worse, however, was watching doctors (some that I know personally) falling into lockstep with every new change in direction coming down from the CDC, even if those changes contradicted years and years, decades even, of peer reviewed studies, as if it the changes were brought down from Mount Sinai. I was told by a close friend of mine who is a doctor as we talked about the mask waffling on the part of the CDC, Fauci, and the governments that he and most of his peers go by whatever the CDC sends down the pipe. “We figure they must have new information that the rest of us don’t so we trust what they are telling us. We do what they suggest.”
Knowing now how deeply the tentacles of Big Pharma reach into medicine, the lies they promote, and the healing they promise while passively stoking the fears of a patient related to their illness, I simply can’t trust any of it any more. I don’t trust any of it any more.
BUT I have God!
Praise to God that I have him.
Balanced Rock in Arches with the Milky Way
He is my light and protection it says. It says he is my fortress and I needn’t be afraid!
He will teach me how to live when I don’t know what to do or how to do it.
And I can wait patiently and trust him to guide my steps.
I must be brave and courageous in all things as I wait.
The ability to do so can only come, however, from him.
And today, as I walk along the unknown trails in this life I now am on, I can trust that he has my back.
I can trust that he is guiding my day.
I’m finding more and more that it’s becoming easier and easier to let it all go knowing that the God who makes the stars and the heavens above me at night is in complete control.
I believe that he can and will send the right person at the right time into my life on any given day who can give me a new task, present me with a new idea, provide me with a new and exciting opportunity.
I believe that he knows the number of my days and in that, will call me home at just the right time. Of course, at HIS time. Not mine.
Futile is the effort of man to attempt to manipulate this truth with his trust in the wrong things.
As I look back in life I can see just how much the Lord has directed my path, bumped me back on course when I have gone off, and has protected me from certain dangers (in spite of my rebellion and unwillingness to do it HIS way).
This 20/20 hindsight actually does a lot to put my mind and heart at ease as I walk forward with a little bit of uncertainty knowing where I will end up, say, by the end of this year.
It’s a lot less stressful spending the time in my mind thinking “I am going to live and walk out today and fully trust that the Lord in heaven can and will guide my steps today” as opposed to “What am I going to do now?”
It’s a vastly different feeling.
Calm and peace over anxiety and stress.
I find it to be considerably more enjoyable.
The sense of relief that comes by embracing this concept of really applying these Psalm 27 verses far outweighs any relief I have felt in the words of a man/doctor.
It changes considerably the way in which I live out each day as it comes.
rob out
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