If In Doubt
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

If In Doubt

There are so many among us today in the Christian world who seem to believe they have the corner on salvation.

It seems they have assigned themselves the responsibility of being the gatekeepers here on earth governing who and who will not gain entrance to heaven when they die.

These Christians among us stress and “worry” over the salvation of others using as their primary motivation Matthew 7 where Jesus talks about the narrow gate, the bearing of fruit and the false teachers and “wolves” among us.

I want to dissect this a little bit and in the event you have encountered one of these types, or perhaps even ARE one of these types, provide some of my own personal thought and insight on the topic in an effort to provide hope and assurance to anyone who now doubts their salvation.

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We’re Not Worthy
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

We’re Not Worthy

The mindset of our unworthiness in the sight of God troubles me.

Far too many Christians seem to practice severe self loathing and deprecating talk.

I am not sure about the right posture to actually take and how we really must think as it relates to our relationship with God.

In this post, I’d like to write out some thoughts I have related to the matter and how I believe we may want to reconsider such talk.

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Then I Was Terrified
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Then I Was Terrified

We all face situations which scare us. They appear as daunting heights, potential tornados of emotion, even unscalable heghts. If I remember who made them all, who made me, and who’s side I’m on, well, it becomes easier to press on in spite of the fear.

There’s a lesson from Nehemiah I learned today that I want to share.

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Lacking No Good Thing
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Lacking No Good Thing

I found myself in Psalm 34 today. I had a note next to verse 10…from 3.5 years ago.

This led me to reflect on how wrong our country and the world went and contrasted that to how I chose to respond and what I believe are the blessings which followed because of my choices.

I made a video to answer a subscribers questions and it happened to dovetail nicely with this verse.

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Good Gifts
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Good Gifts

You might be missing out in life because you haven’t asked.

Jesus encourages us to ask God for blessing. Yes, he really does, contrary to what you might believe or may have heard from religious leaders, the God of Heaven actually is interested in giving you good gifts in order to bless your life.

Doubt it? Read on.

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You Won’t Win
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

You Won’t Win

We might as well accept it. We can’t please everyone. We just can’t. If we have a people pleasing bent it makes life pretty darn miserable as we attempt to keep far too many plates spinning.

Take heart, Jesus himself recognized this very fact. He addressed it in Matthew 11. Let me attempt to explain my thinking.

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No Eye Has Seen
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

No Eye Has Seen

No eye has seen. Paul’s famous words in 1 Corinthians 2 resonate with me today as I consider those things which God has in store for us who love him.

Having seen so much and so many amazing things, I cannot even fathom it being better than these. Yet, if I understand Paul correctly, those things will be.


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