We’re Not Worthy
The following is adapted from a Facebook Post I typed recently
While walking this morning, I watched as the sun slowly rose to light the Vermillion Cliffs you see here. The photo cannot do justice to their sheer size, but if you look closely at their base you can see Highway 89a. That put's it into perspective some.
The Sheer Size of the Vermillion Cliffs seen here cannot be appreciated from a photo
I had a thought this morning while admiring these cliffs.
This thought occurred to me as I listened to the Phillips Craig and Dean rendition of The Revelation Song. Fond memories rushed my mind from a time in my life when I was privileged to be playing the drums to that song under the leadership of Shaun O'Dell
I remember well with extreme fondness the intense level of worship this song in particular would elicit. As the finality of the song builds and the drum roll crescendos louder and upward, I would be inspired even more as I would watch Shaun do his famous worshiping hop, as I would come to call it in my mind back in those days.
When it came time for Cindy Ayer and I to share the drum throne on Sunday's I would always hope like heck I would get the weeks when this song would be part of the set list as Josh Daniel began to take over the reigns for Shaun.
I admit, in my enthusiasm for the Lord and because of the intensity of my personality, I found it very difficult to hold back. I was a "LOUD" drummer and when that final part of that snare crescendo song hit me to my core, I would crash the cymbals with ferocity. In fact, I actually broke one of my crash cymbals on a Sunday morning...to that song if my memory is correct. A smooth jazz player like Cindy, I would never be. Her class and skill was something to which I would never rise. You could define me more like...say...Animal, the drummer in the Muppets. A challenge for any worship leader forced to deal with me. (My apologies to all who had to do so).
In any event, this song always and still brings me to goose bumps. Combine that with a walk looking at these cliffs and the Lord seems to be walking with me as it plays in my earphones.
Even this morning, I couldn't help but hop a little while walking and raising my hands.
I then thought about my thought with which I have a problem. (Sorry for the long buildup).
Here it is.
Have you seen the skit in Monty Python's In Search for the Holy Grail where King Arthur and his men meet God? They fall down slobbering all over themselves with the "We're Not Worthy" statements, similar to Wayne and Garth when meeting Alice Cooper in the movie Wayne’s World.
God, in the skit, get's annoyed with their talk and rebukes them in a hilarious way.
This problem was fueled again this morning.
This is a problem that has bothered me for many years.
My problem is with this Christian mindset that we must perpetually demean ourselves and openly confess with our mouths a constant stream of words expressing our “unworthiness” or “uncleanliness” to God. This seems more prevalent with certain denominational sects, like, the Baptist sect or the Assembly of God sect, or the Lutheran sect, in my past experiences. But it’s a mindset even many of my friends and those I am close too seem to parrot.
I read a devotional each morning from Martin Luther. He is supposed to be one of the great early faith pioneers.
Here's a quote from him when referencing Psalm 34:2-3
"The beginning of the Psalm is full of the example of humility, for no one blesses the Lord except the one who is displeased with himself and curses himself and to who God alone is pleasing...He who regards himself as anything but completely detestable clearly has praise of himself in his mouth, and praise of God is not 'continually in my mouth'....we never praise God correctly unless we first disparage ourselves."
I am troubled by this. Here's why.
I cannot come into agreement with this giant of the faith. In fact, the more I read of him and others like him, the less I can find comfort in their teachings.
Odd as it may seem, I believe he is totally wrong in his theology.
Mind you, I fully acknowledge my lack of study and training, my mere childlike nature when compared to these men who are supposed to be our role models. Calvin, Luther, Chambers, Tozer, MacArthur, Warren, Piper and so on.
There is so much self, what I see as "hatred" that I believe it causes much disdain for the non believer. I wonder if this is where they become convinced they never want to serve a God so angry and full of hatred for humans.
This is what I mean.
Maybe if I relate it to my children, it will make more sense.
I have 4 children. All now adults and functioning successfully in their roles in society (well...mostly).
When they were little and younger, there was not a day that would go by wherein I not was ready to protect them. In fact, should it be called for and a situation were to present itself that it was their life or mine, you can bet and guess I would readily have laid my life down to protect theirs, to save them.
Today, honestly, it's no different.
Why would I do this?
Is it because they are so "unworthy" or so "detestable"?
No, I would do so because I love them so much and in fact, in my mind, my death is indeed a worthy sacrifice, for you see, as their father, I love them with a love that cannot be explained. It's a love that anyone without children may have difficulty in understanding as I do being their father.
I am told in God's word that I am made in his image. It says I am made just a little lower than he is.
I simply can't get into line with the thinking that Jesus came and died that horrific, torturous death at the hands of the Romans and the Pharisees, were I NOT worthy.
I believe God and the Son were talking and it went something like this.
"Son, I love those humans so much. I do love them so much. Sadly, they are simply not going to be able to meet all the demands in their childlike state in order to get up here when they die.
Because of that, I am going to send you to do for them what they cannot do for themselves. It's going to require sacrifice, but it will be worth it.
I want the humans up here with us for eternity and we are going to give them this gift, in spite of the pain it will bring to us, more importantly to you.
Let's do this for them so that should they choose to accept this gift, they can indeed enter the gates here and we can enjoy each other's company in this wonderful place I have reserved for my family".
Now imagine, if you have children that you give them an amazing gift, one they cannot attain on their own.
And instead of embracing you with joy and gladness, thanking you and then enjoying that gift to it's fullest, they perpetually make statements to you like
"You know dad this is great...but...I am not worthy to have received it..."
"You know dad, I appreciate this and I thank you in your generosity you chose to bless me with this...but this is WAY more than I could ever deserve...I am a lowly son, WORTH NOTHING and you really shouldn't have..."
I can say this with authority, were any of my own kids to take this approach for any gift I have given out of love and extreme sacrifice on my end, it would not go over well.
I would never take the mindset in response "Yeah, you know, you are a worthless dirty rag...but I gave it to you anyway, you detestable stray dog...".
In fact, all that talk of being unworthy, detestable and so on would become annoying to the degree that I may get angry. Angry because in my mind, logic would seem to dictate that in fact, they were indeed worthy or I WOULD NOT HAVE DONE IT.
The self loathing and deprecation would come off...almost..as dare I say...ingratitude and self centeredness. The very things these Theological giants seem to teach against!
In Luke 15:3-7 Jesus Christ tells the story of the one lost sheep. He suggests the shepherd goes after him because HE IS WORTHY TO BE SALVAGED. In fact he uses words like joy and rejoice when he finds the lost sheep!
He doesn't express annoyance at the sheep's stupidity for straying or how frustrated he is by the necessity to go after it. Instead, he leaves the others behind for the one...because if I understand him correctly he loves that sheep that dang much!
Yet here so many of us are, so many of our role models are, preaching this self disdain and hatred in order to in some way be right with God, who, again just as a reminder, came here and died the worst death a man could die for us.
Perhaps God in so doing had the attitude that Michael Corleone had when he uttered the famous line "...just when I think I am out...they pull me RIGHT BACK IN." An attitude of anger and frustration that he has to come do it himself because no one else is capable or will....
The frustration and anger evident because he resents doing so.
I just don't and can't see what Jesus Christ did for me in such a light.
I can't see God in such a light.
No, I can't do it on my own and nothing I do will even put me in God's class as righteous enough to get in when I die.
But he's God. He's my dad and I am that young 5 year old that my kids were to me.
I see it that I must be worthy. I must be because he did for me what frankly no one else would ever do.
Before he did it, I couldn't get in to the gates of eternity. Yet, now, I am, according to my understanding made worthy and clean as pure white snow. I am in. I am just here passing through and sharing all I see with my eyes with anyone willing to look through my photography.
The Prickly Pear Cactus begins to wake and unfold with the sun’s warmth
I am to thankful that God, through Jesus Christ saw me as worthy enough to come after and never will a day go by that I will look that gift horse in the mouth.
No, I will rejoice and sing praises to my father who loved me enough to say, through his son..."I want you here with me...so I will do this for you...".
What a great dad. What a great friend. He's my hero.
rob out
P.S. I have a number of friends, even here on this forum, that are much, MUCH smarter and versed than I will ever be. If I am missing something here, I am happy to hear your thoughts.