Peace In Pain
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Peace In Pain

Often, we find turmoil and personal pain in life. Things hit us that we seemingly do not deserve. Often times, we do not. Yet, God can and will take every one of these situations and use it to grow us, teach us, and help us.

We simply need to learn to rest in and trust HIS processes. He’s in control, regardless of how it may seem in the moment.

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Good Gifts
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Good Gifts

You might be missing out in life because you haven’t asked.

Jesus encourages us to ask God for blessing. Yes, he really does, contrary to what you might believe or may have heard from religious leaders, the God of Heaven actually is interested in giving you good gifts in order to bless your life.

Doubt it? Read on.

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Tyranny of The Dollar
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Tyranny of The Dollar

I recently sat down and watched the movie Nomadland. A friend or ours recommended it.

It’s an interesting tale of a woman who chooses to head out to live in a van.

The movie includes a real life Youtube Persona named Bob Wells. Bob seems like a great guy! I enjoy and am a subscriber to his channel.

Bob is known for his beliefs on the Tyranny of The Dollar. He even, in the movie references this belief of his. I’d like to share my thoughts not only about the movie but how I believe Jesus talks directly to this way of belief and life.

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Boy That HURTS!
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Boy That HURTS!

Relationships must be built around total and full transparency and honesty. Far too often in the West, they are shrouded in little lies or built upon dishonesty and deceit.

Nothing too serious, but little white lies that over time build unrealistic expectations and leave desires from both parties unfulfilled.

Often, it’s years and years down the road these unmet needs or expectations create serious relationship hardship. I wanted to share my thoughts on a remedy with you today.

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A Storm Blows In
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

A Storm Blows In

None of us like to deal with the storms of life.

However, the storms of life are necessary to point us in the right direction. The storms are allowed that we might begin to understand that we can’t do it alone; as much as we may wish to.

Instead we are to find our peace in our walk with the one who created it all. He cares for us and knows what’s going on in our lives each and every day. We can and must call on him whenever we feel scared or anxious.

He will help us.

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For the Love Of Money
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

For the Love Of Money

The love of of money can create fear of loss. It can take us away from our relationship with the Lord.

This fear of loss and fear of failure can really steal our peace and our joy. I know it has mine.

Today’s post will address this very issue as I found some comfort in Hebrews 13.

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Doing To Others
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Doing To Others

Doing unto others may not be all that simple, frankly.

Sometimes, doing unto others can be horribly traumatic and quite painful in truth.

I put some thought into this today and what that looks like. I thought writing about it might be helpful and I hope you’ll take a second to read through my thoughts.

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