Peace In Pain

Hey folks. It’s been far too long since I’ve written.

I find myself in my 4th week, hunkered down in Athens, Texas. I am waiting for my National RV Training Academy class schedule to start. It’s been 4 weeks of project after project on the new Bigfoot RV.

If you don’t know, I am attending a few weeks of classes at the school in an attempt to get some new skills that I might be able to apply on the road. In so doing, I hope to perhaps be able to build a business with the newly acquired skills.

Over the past 9 weeks, we’ve been many places, seen many things and I plan to share them with you.

In this post, I want to address finding peace in our pain.

As we struggle with life we are prone to get down, feel frustrated, and wonder “why me”?

The difficult part is trusting the process of it all.

Believing that in spite of how it may look in the natural, God knows what we are going through and what is happening.

We need to learn that he’s in full control and watches our steps. He watches over us and knows each step of our lives.

Peace comes when we trust that process.

Today, I’d like to share this video I shot some time back while spending a bit of time walking the edge of the Marble Canyon; the beginning of the Grand Canyon expanse.

I’d love to hear from you. Please drop me a line in the comments or perhaps in the video comments.

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.

We Found Bigfoot


The Irony of Gimmicks