Watch Your 6
Rob Thoughts, Photography and Video Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts, Photography and Video Robert Anthony

Watch Your 6

There’s a saying in the military and law enforcement. “Watch your 6”.

We all need someone to walk by our side and watch out back. Sometimes we develop tunnel vision to such a degree that we miss something better.

When we have people willing to walk with us to watch our 6 we stand better chances to succeed.

When we have someone willing to help us by watching our back, we may avert disaster in our life.

It’s imperative that we all learn to 1) have a few in our lives willing to watch our backs and 2) learn to trust those who ARE watching our 6.

Here’s a brief story from a shot I otherwise would never have attained had someone not been looking behind me.

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Stand Firm
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Stand Firm

Compromise. In today’s world, we all are given opportunities to try and sort out making the right choice between the lesser of two evils. In today’s post, Exodus 1 is in our focus. I want to show how doing the right thing at the tough moments can result in finding God’s favor over our lives. When faced with loss, choose the right path. You NEVER will know just how God may show up and change your outcomes. BUT ONLY if you choose to fully trust him.

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The Costs of Compromise
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

The Costs of Compromise

Compromises always come with a cost. Sometimes we navigate our choices taking into consideration these costs. Owning a business is a never ending stream of cost versus return analyses and compromising is part of that. Both in customer as well as employee relations. Today, however, I want to talk a little about the costs of compromising our core beliefs along with my view of what that looks like and how bad choices have tainted my life.

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Life Hurts
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Life Hurts

Storms loom and I get angry whenever trouble and pain come. I hate it when God allows things that I don’t understand.

It’s difficult for me at times to trust, believe and even have a good attitude about this. This was my thoughts this morning in reading Psalm 71.

I hate it when I am made to suffer and deal with things not going my way. I never learned well how to control my temper when life refused to go my way as a kid. Still to this day at 54 it haunts me. When life is painful, it pisses me right the hell off. I think what angers me most is knowing God allows it. HE ALLOWS it. Perhaps I need to Roll with the Changes.

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He’s Interested
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

He’s Interested

Boy, when God speaks, he knows just how to time it. Today, let me share what was not a small thing from my life yesterday as I sat down to do my bible study.

For me, it again, at a pivotal moment shows in a small whisper of a word just how much the Lord cares for me (and for you).

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