Life Span vs Health Span

We are merely moving shadows,
    and all our busy rushing ends in nothing.
We heap up wealth,
    not knowing who will spend it. Psalm 39:6

I heard a term the other day listening to Dr Jordan Peterson’s show. His guest was Dr Peter Attia. The title of the podcast is Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, and You. I am going to link the Youtube version below, although you can find the show through any of your podcast platforms. I hope, if you are a reader here, you will find the episode and give it a sincere, focused listen.

In that show Dr Attia introduced me to the word combination “Health Span”.

Life span is the length of time the human being hopes to live. Of course, in America, it seems the human longs for living for hundreds of years.

Health span is a little different. This is a term which defines how WELL you are living that life. For example, you desire to live to 145. You are able to now do so through the help of medical intervention. Yet, from the time you are 70 onward, you are miserable physically. Your mind goes, your ability to get about comfortably wanes and you spend the next 75 years in a constant stream of pain, having to wear adult diapers, barely able to function.

Rob and Levi on top of Bunson Peak in Yellowstone National park

Rob and Levi on Top of Bunson Peak in Yellowstone

You are alive, but your life in it’s span becomes increasingly painful and miserable.

They trust in their wealth
    and boast of great riches.
Yet they cannot redeem themselves from death
    by paying a ransom to God.
Redemption does not come so easily,
    for no one can ever pay enough to live forever
    and never see the grave. Psalm 49:6-9

Clearly, it says here, we are all going to die. We can attempt to have doctors keep us alive through all of their contraptions and concoctions. But it’s clear, death will meet every last one of us.

Those who are wise must finally die,
    just like the foolish and senseless,
    leaving all their wealth behind.
The grave is their eternal home,
    where they will stay forever.
They may name their estates after themselves,
but their fame will not last.
    They will die, just like animals. Psalm 49:10-12

Wonder what's up in Buckskin Gulch Canyon in Utah

Buckskin Gulch Slot Canyon in Utah

For when they die, they take nothing with them.
    Their wealth will not follow them into the grave.
 In this life they consider themselves fortunate
    and are applauded for their success.
 But they will die like all before them
    and never again see the light of day.
People who boast of their wealth don’t understand;
    they will die, just like animals. Psalm 49:17-20

I have spent my life hoping to have more money. Yet, the money has eluded me. I think I am fortunate in this regard. I know a number of people who, through a misaligning of priorities have lost marriages, relationships, or children’s respect or love. These folks have placed their businesses or their career pursuits ahead of everything else in life. Including their health and well being.

There seems to be this mindset that we can all just get to it tomorrow. As if there will never come a reckoning for this choice to ignore what REALLY matters.

Two of the many great lessons my grandfather taught me when I was running Jon Anthony Florist in the 90s were as follows.

1) Life doesn’t really get “comfortable” until you hit about 50. No matter what you do, things won’t really slide into place until you’re about 50.

2) Every year from about 40 and up seems to move with increased rapidity toward old age and ultimately death.

I am 54 this year and I agree with both statements. Life is moving more rapidly now. It’s closing in faster and faster. Yet, it does seem a little more comfortable.

I do not have the wealth of many of my friends, that’s for sure. Heck, I don’t have the wealth of most of my contemporaries. I don’t think I care. I dare say as many as 75% or more of them do not have my level of health. Many are overweight and suffering with any number of issues, not the least of which is low cardiovascular health (it’s tough to walk up stairs for example).

We have so very much at our disposal allowing us to take care of ourselves. Inexpensive things like fresh water from a tap, fresh food all the time, gyms and workout facilities galore. Yet, so many are at work so much they can’t find the time to get a little exercise in. Of course others are just simply lazy, pure and simple.

The trouble I see with this is that as we get up there, into our 60s and 70s the things we are ignoring now will catch up to us. It will be here that we can separate those who saw the reason and logic in planning life for health span, versus planning life for tons of money for “retirement” (whatever the heck that means).

Our First Hike to over 10,000 Feet!

Those who planned for health span will be younger looking, younger acting, and more vibrant than those their age who did not. Significantly more money will be spent by the latter (either by themselves…or as covered by the US taxpayer) who are in “retirement” on medical expenses, constantly having to see doctors to treat the next ailment. In many instances said ailments or diseases are self inflicted from years prior poor choices. I would argue that it may, in the end, actually translate into a wash financially. One spending a lifetime accumulating wealth to spend it all in the latter years fighting disease, living miserably; the other enjoying old age minus the wealth with health and vigor earned from years invested in health previously.

Me? From 1995 forward when the Lord really got my attention, I invested heavily in my family. Nothing took priority after Jesus Christ more than my family, my wife and children. To this day, they are at the highest priority. This was a stark contrast to what I learned growing up by observing how my family made the flower businesses their personal priorities. Nothing was more important to them than the flower business and it was/is shown through the decisions they have made and continue to make to this day. I think at times of the couple who bought the building our flower shop occupied. Incredibly wealthy. Working constantly. Tons of stuff. No time to use it. Or the Donut King who became famous in the 80s building a donut empire in CA. Lost it all. You can see that awesome documentary on HULU.

My hope? The return on that investment is children who look forward to buying some land with dad to build an estate from which we can live. I can help them around the property and with the assets they collect and when necessary, they can help me should it be required. Not out of a sense of obligation and guilt. No, out of a desire to spend as much time in relationship with their step mom and dad because they love us dearly and enjoy being around us.

I’m hoping this ends up being the true end to my existence here on earth.

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
    Remind me that my days are numbered—
    how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
    My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
    at best, each of us is but a breath.” Pslam 39:4-5

True words from the Psalms. I hope my thoughts today give you cause to think and consider your own situation and scenario. It’s never too late to make a change to take better care of you and to embrace what truly matters.

Until next time, rob out.

PS Below is the youtube video I referenced. Again, you can likely find it on your podcast platforms too. I hope it’s inspiring and motivational for all of you. It makes great drive time listening.

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.

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