Rain Precedes

You have to look and wait. And sometimes go through pain while waiting.

I took this shot at the Morton Overlook in the Great Smoky Mountain National park. Of all the places I've been, the Smokies are my least favorite. The weather almost always sucks, it rains so often, and the people. My word the people.

So many people.

And now, the park apparently has loop holed a way to charge visitors money, something that was never supposed to happen for this particular park. You now have to reserve and pay for trailhead parking from what I understand. I've hiked probably 1/2 or better in this park.

Ahhh, the government.

At any rate this shot came, as often is the case, after a pretty serious storm.

Metaphorically, this shot is one of my top shots for a story.

As the weather was beating down rain and wind, I looked and looked and hoped and hoped it would break and give ma a shot. If you know this drive, you know the spot from which I shot. I drove up and over and back and over and up and over and back and over trying to see if the clouds might actually break.

I had all but give up and was headed back down to Cherokee where I had been parking the van and through a tree covering I saw a little color. Enough to know from experience, something great may be coming. So I rushed back up and over AGAIN to Morton Overlook and hurriedly set up the camera.

Then, this happened.

Like life, we are buffeted by storms and rain. But there will come brief moments where the skies will open and we'll get a glimpse into heaven. For me, doing what I do, I have the images of many of such glimpses from which I can ever draw hope. And then...I can share them with you.

Never stop looking, never stop hoping, never stop chasing. You never know at just the right moment how your skies can clear and open up to show you such a sight.

I hope you have a great weekend wherever this may find you.

Keep pressing on.

#nps #GreatSmokyMountains #sunsetphotography #livingwithrob #landscapephotography #RobertAnthony #hopeandhealing #hope

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


Stand Firm


Be You