Faith 104
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Faith 104

I found myself in Psalm 104 today and was reminded of how magnificent it is to be in the far out places in America to embrace God’s magnificent creative capability.

This then brought me to thoughts of how lacking in Faith in Him causes man (you and me) to do and believe some pretty silly things, not the least of which is the so called “Climate Crisis” we are now having.

I thought it appropriate then to dissect this train of thinking through the lens of God’s power in his word.

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A Storm Blows In
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

A Storm Blows In

None of us like to deal with the storms of life.

However, the storms of life are necessary to point us in the right direction. The storms are allowed that we might begin to understand that we can’t do it alone; as much as we may wish to.

Instead we are to find our peace in our walk with the one who created it all. He cares for us and knows what’s going on in our lives each and every day. We can and must call on him whenever we feel scared or anxious.

He will help us.

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For the Love Of Money
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

For the Love Of Money

The love of of money can create fear of loss. It can take us away from our relationship with the Lord.

This fear of loss and fear of failure can really steal our peace and our joy. I know it has mine.

Today’s post will address this very issue as I found some comfort in Hebrews 13.

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Doing To Others
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Doing To Others

Doing unto others may not be all that simple, frankly.

Sometimes, doing unto others can be horribly traumatic and quite painful in truth.

I put some thought into this today and what that looks like. I thought writing about it might be helpful and I hope you’ll take a second to read through my thoughts.

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Watch Your 6
Rob Thoughts, Photography and Video Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts, Photography and Video Robert Anthony

Watch Your 6

There’s a saying in the military and law enforcement. “Watch your 6”.

We all need someone to walk by our side and watch out back. Sometimes we develop tunnel vision to such a degree that we miss something better.

When we have people willing to walk with us to watch our 6 we stand better chances to succeed.

When we have someone willing to help us by watching our back, we may avert disaster in our life.

It’s imperative that we all learn to 1) have a few in our lives willing to watch our backs and 2) learn to trust those who ARE watching our 6.

Here’s a brief story from a shot I otherwise would never have attained had someone not been looking behind me.

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Stand Firm
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Stand Firm

Compromise. In today’s world, we all are given opportunities to try and sort out making the right choice between the lesser of two evils. In today’s post, Exodus 1 is in our focus. I want to show how doing the right thing at the tough moments can result in finding God’s favor over our lives. When faced with loss, choose the right path. You NEVER will know just how God may show up and change your outcomes. BUT ONLY if you choose to fully trust him.

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