Natural Bridges
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Natural Bridges

The final stop on our September road trip was Natural Bridges National Monument. Ed and I spent a few days in the park doing some photography and in general just enjoying the scenery.

If you are not familiar with this area, it’s sandwiched between the Bears Ear National Monument land in Utah. It’s due south of the southern end of Canyonlands National Park.

It’s a really special area.

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Max Patch~Again!
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Max Patch~Again!

As I migrate over to Rumble (I’d love to have you follow me there), my video to Max Patch has really been popular!

I thought it might then be worthy of a send out again in case you missed it.

There are a few spectacular images in the video, one of the Milky Way even. But man, the sunset I captured! So great! The drone video in this is also extra special.

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Blue Hour…
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Blue Hour…

The blue hour is a wonderful time to do photography. This video takes place in Bryce Canyon National Park at the Amphitheater.

I met with a lot of frustration on this particular adventure. Not the least of which was Ed, Classic Ed, hiking down into the canyon, near dark, only to get lost down there uncertain on how to return.

Fortunately, and I say VERY FORTUNATELY, he was able to call me. God was with us for sure as there is literally little to NO cell service there as a rule.

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We Must Overcome!
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

We Must Overcome!

Today is showing things to be difficult in America. What an appropriate time to release this video on Rumble.

There’s a message in it.

When we were climbing this mountain it was really, really tough. I mean it really kicked my ass.

I believe the ascent was about 3800 feet total. It’s the highest peak in all of Texas.

While there, we set up camp and enjoyed our time together.

From camp, it was another mile up to the top. It certainly seemed that the skies would not end up giving us what we had hiked all that way for.

We stayed up there in the wind and cold waiting.

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A Message from a Waterfall
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

A Message from a Waterfall

I had only a few seconds, literally, to get this shot. But a much bigger lesson in the way God’s favor seems to surround me was waiting for me to uncover.

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