We Must Overcome!

Today is showing things to be difficult in America. What an appropriate time to release this video on Rumble.

There’s a message in it, should you choose to watch (and why wouldn’t you?).

When we were climbing the mountain it was really, really tough. I mean it really kicked my ass.

I believe the ascent was about 3800 feet total. It’s the highest peak in all of Texas.

While there, we set up camp and enjoyed our time together.

From camp, it was another mile up to the top. It certainly seemed that the skies would not end up giving us what we had hiked all that way for.

We stayed up there in the wind and cold waiting.

And then…seemingly out of nowhere, against all odds, proving my initial thoughts entirely wrong, the skies started to slowly, ever so slowly, change colors.

Initially, the color changes can barely be seen by the naked eye. But boy, when it starts happening, it is fast and oh so inspiring.

Finally, the full display was before us and I started shooting.

Wow. It was so worth the wait. It was totally great.

In life you will walk a long time. You will walk through challenges and will suffer greatly. It’s like climbing this mountain.

I had 40 plus pounds on my back and I was hiking to what amounted to about 900 plus fee per mile in elevation (ask anyone, this is tough). At 52 years old, it took a toll on me.

What is worse, is there was still a TON of work to be done when there. Setting up camp and THEN hiking another mile to “set up shop” for the sunset with Levi.

Boy was it worth it.

While the end lasted for a mere 5 minutes or so, the time leading up to it, the time coming back for dinner in the dark with Levi, sleeping under the stars, hiking home, it was ALL worth it.

No matter the challenges you are facing now, they are nothing new. They may seem scary and hard and difficult. But in the grand scheme of mankind, they are nothing new. Tyrants have always existed. Oppression has always existed. Sickness has always existed. Death has always been part of life. Cheating, lies, corruption. None of this is new. Pain? Nothing new. Struggles? Nothing new (although many people under about 40 think that somehow struggle should not exist)

The first step is to acknowledge that things can be and are oftentimes scary. The second is to acknowledge it may be kicking your ass; both physically, mentally, and EVEN emotionally!

The third is to tell yourself over and over that you WILL NOT QUIT and you WILL keep putting one foot in front of the other as you climb and walk and climb some more. This is literally how I had to coach myself more than a few times on this trail.

I am a flatlander from Florida and up hiking at 8000 plus feet. That’s enough to take the life out of anyone.

However, I couldn’t let the discomfort and the pain stop me.

This is where we are in America right now.

Many of us are facing a battle in our minds and in our hearts and for many of you it is probably pretty scary.

However, if we are to push back and say no to Tyranny, it starts in our home. We must FORCE ourselves to climb, to STAND UP and get up that mountain.

I have said it before, and I will keep screaming it at the top of my lungs if I have to.

Tyranny, the Tyrant, will NEVER voluntarily stop oppressing me and you.

They will lock you down, they will try and force you to take medicine, they will try and force you to wear masks. This is in spite of the fact that;

A) they don’t do it themselves (or manufacture shows in which they put forth the image to the public they are)

B) there is statistical and empirical data which proves them wrong, mounds and mounds of it going back decades

They are like the evil interrogator in 1984 trying to get Winston to say he is holding up 2 fingers instead of 3. We see clearly before us that what we are seeing is not what they are saying or trying to get us to say, yet, they push and push and beat us into finally submitting.

Joe Biden is rumored to be salivating at the mouth for an opportunity to push the oppressive lockdown model being used in states like California, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania and others onto all of us across the nation.

He is on record stating that he will insist on a nationwide mask mandate.

All of these are nothing more than attempts to get you to submit and show your willingness to give up all of your freedom by pushing fear of a boogey man in the Coronavirus that we now know has a kill rate lower than the common flu.

There MUST come a place and there MUST come a time when you stand up and say NO MORE.

If it’s only one, can they take him/her and jail them? Sure.

If it’s 80 plus million, then what?

There simply isn’t a way for the federal government to impose this on us. It’s only if/when we choose to LET THEM.

I hope this video inspires you. I hope you find the beauty in the photography, but more importantly, I hope you are inspired to make today the day you personally say “enough is enough” and you begin the difficult task, the painful undertaking required to let these despots know that they WILL NO LONGER own you.

Love you guys.


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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


Blue Hour…


Matters of Importance