Rob Rants From McKittrick
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Rob Rants From McKittrick

Hey everyone.

Something a little different this time around.

Yes, this is a video.

Yes, there’s some really pretty scenery.

AND…of course, two INCREDIBLY handsome men. ;-)

On the last afternoon in Guadalupe Mountain National Park we had some time to kill. We wanted to head over to this canyon.

We wanted to see if it will be worth coming next year to hike it. There’s an overnight camp deep in there that is to die for in the fall!

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We Must Overcome!
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

We Must Overcome!

Today is showing things to be difficult in America. What an appropriate time to release this video on Rumble.

There’s a message in it.

When we were climbing this mountain it was really, really tough. I mean it really kicked my ass.

I believe the ascent was about 3800 feet total. It’s the highest peak in all of Texas.

While there, we set up camp and enjoyed our time together.

From camp, it was another mile up to the top. It certainly seemed that the skies would not end up giving us what we had hiked all that way for.

We stayed up there in the wind and cold waiting.

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Texas, A Dogman, and When Life Swirls
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Texas, A Dogman, and When Life Swirls

A few weeks back, I took a trip to the Guadalupe Mountain National Park. I drove the van across country (again).

My son Levi, serving in the USAF had a few days...and it's been far too long since he and I have made a respectable hike.

So I traversed the country to pick him up. We drove another 7 hours to the park and set up camp.

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Hope for 2021~Is America Over?
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Hope for 2021~Is America Over?

Every radical liberals dream. End America as a free society.

So… have these democrats, these Tyrants, ruling states and cities actually won?

It certainly would appear so to the casual observer.

I was thinking today about 2020 as we are on the eve of the New Year.

As 2020 sets on the horizon, 2021 looks to be coming up behind us.

It’s my desire to perhaps give you some hope in this post.

A lot of people have been talking about how 2020 has been hell for them. “It’s been awful” and they are glad it will be behind them.

News Flash folks. I’m sorry to report this, but what you experienced all through 2020 will likely not subside anytime soon. That is unless you make the decision to stop it.

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