Hope for 2021~Is America Over?

sunset at Guadalupe

Every radical liberals dream. End America as a free society.

So… have these democrats, these Tyrants, ruling states and cities actually won?

It certainly would appear so to the casual observer.

I was thinking today about 2020 as we are on the eve of the New Year.

As 2020 sets on the horizon, 2021 looks to be coming up behind us.

It’s my desire to perhaps give you some hope in this post.

A lot of people have been talking about how 2020 has been hell for them. “It’s been awful” and they are glad it will be behind them.

News Flash folks. I’m sorry to report this, but what you experienced all through 2020 will likely not subside anytime soon. That is unless you make the decision to stop it.

Let me share with you some positives in my mind. You know, what this past year has taught me.

1) There are people who desire to oppress their fellow human beings and Americans are not immune to these evil desires.

2) Far too many Americans are willing to go along with oppression/tyranny.

3) The Church as I know it, or thought I knew it has proven to be very, very weak in it’s convictions.

4) Many people put their “faith” in the wrong things and/or people.

5) Far too many people fear ANYthing that will cause them any level of perceived discomfort.

6) There are a significant number of folks I have learned who could/can NEVER be counted on if we are forced to take drastic steps to put an end to the tyranny imposed on our fellow brothers and sisters across this great land of ours.

7) I have also learned that there are a number of people I CAN plan to count on should we ever be forced to take drastic measures in efforts push back the tyranny taking root across our great land.

I am happy for this year in a lot of respects. It has galvanized the society. There is not a doubt in my head any longer with regard to who hates freedom and who loves freedom. Who hates America and who loves it.

Further, it has taught me that the enemies of America are in fact right inside our borders. They have taken seats across the highest offices of the land and they will hold nothing back as it relates to getting their way. And getting their way paves the way for them to impose their desired controls over all who willingly comply.

As for the hope I referenced?

It is available.

I am a Christian. I make no bones about my belief in Jesus Christ, how he died and rose again to save me and anyone else who will believe in this very fact.

I believe that God In Christ desires for us to live in freedom. He demonstrated something to us that I believe many, and I mean MANY of those professing Christ do NOT understand.

This is a War.

There is a War going on for your soul. There is a war going on for the soul of mankind.

One thing that Lucifer A.K.A. Satan knows is it is much easier to suppress the gospel of freedom if the leaders across a given land control the information being given to the people.

The less who hear about the freedom given by Christ, the more they will put their faith in the government to sustain them. In so doing, they then must, and I mean MUST become beholden to the edicts and demands of said government.

I think a lot of Christians believe in a concept that Jesus, in dying, gave in to the demand and edicts of the government.

I take a different view of this.

I think as part of the grander war going on against the evil forces at bay, he took it to the next level. In dying for the greater cause, he made a strategic move. The only move he could make to ensure our freedom.

Here’s how I think I may see things differently.

What Christ did was not unlike what many United States armed services Veterans have done over the course of time. Acts of bravery and valiance which have allowed us to live in freedom, away from the grip of Tyrants and Despots. Evil humans who would prefer to dictate to us how to live, what to believe in, and who we should worship.

Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Lenin, Gorbechev, Hussein to name a few. The litany of human beings hoping to oppress and destroy the freedom of their fellow humans seems almost unending.

Countless brave soldiers have given their lives to push back against enemy forces. Forces hell bent on toppling America in order to gain control of her people.

Some even doing great feats KNOWING they would end their lives as a contributor to the greater cause of freedom.

This, I believe, is what Jesus Christ did for you and for me.

I choose not to believe that Jesus was some kind of Ghandi on steroids. No. Instead, I believe he has faced Satan nose to nose. He knew his enemy and what it would take to defeat him. He then did it. Actively, I dare say, aggressively engaging the enemy on his turf to defeat him.

Not unlike Obi Wan Kenobi when he took the saber from Darth Vader. He knew by doing so, in fact would make him more powerful in the end. The fighting and suffering did NOT end when Vader struck Obi Wan down, but it was a step in the battle for freedom by the rebellion.

Jesus taking the cross was a STEP in the battle for our freedom. By believing in him, by trusting in him, we are made part of a vast army of saints. (if it were over, there would be none of the recorded events in the book of Revelation)

I believe this army of saints must be willing to fight for freedom at all costs. They must stop hiding behind some kind of moral or diplomatic piousness. As if “keeping it civil” will stop evil. (I am growing weary of those using the word civil as if it somehow will keep the forces of destruction under wraps).

Had Americans kept it “civil” when the time came to fight the British NONE OF YOU WOULD BE FREE today.

The time has come. The time is upon us now to recognize that the depravity of man is a deep seated corruption. Sin is ugly and it will destroy any culture which ignores it.

Embracing the very things the Bible says to condemn does not make you a just society. It makes you a weak culture that embraces those things which will destroy you. Evil knows no limits. It is not a respecter of boundaries.

Think about what is being taught as normal to your children. Think about the ways in which hideous human actions are being sold as free choice or just a regular human occurrence. Think about concepts and sexual constructs that your children are being taught. Ways they are being led to depravity and crooked and abstract thinking. Causing what used to be thought of as perversions now being the norm. While what should be “normal” is being taught as borderline reprehensible and to be disposed of by a “higher thinking” society.

Embracing these ideas and concepts because you are “showing them the love of Jesus” is doing nothing but granting them permission to take it further and further.

Is America over?

I do not believe it ever will be over.

I believe that Ronald Reagan was correct in noting that once a people has a taste of freedom, it become very difficult to take it away from them.

I believe there are a lot of us that enjoy freedom.

I am one of them.

I believe there are less of us that enjoy freedom but also understand that at some point, at times, this may mean fighting for that freedom. Not bitching and complaining about the loss of freedom. No. It means embracing the concept that you may be made very uncomfortable as you choose to say no to cheaters, no to bullies, no to liars, no to corruption, no to tyranny ruling your life.

It means being willing to put yourself in a place that you might suffer some for your convictions and beliefs.

In doing so, however, in my mind, you more align yourself with Christ than almost anything you can do.

Christ frees us from the tyranny of sin. He frees us from God’s wrath and judgement. He frees us from the grip of Satan, the ultimate Tyrant, the ultimate oppressor.

Jesus Christ did NOT try and reason with evil. He did NOT try and use diplomatic means to win the battle for your soul. No. In a courageous act he would rather have avoided, in one fell swoop, he made you, he made all of us willing to believe and have “faith”… free.

He didn’t talk about it.

He did it!

He didn’t bitch and complain about all the injustice that hell brings. He did something about it.

He didn’t make excuses for Satan because he had a tough childhood, or bad parents, or a rough go of it growing up, being second to Jesus or any such thing.

The greatest gift of God is the FREEDOM you realize from the tyranny of hell by believing in Christ.

The war did not end at the cross. It was one in a step of many as part of a calculated battle plan that the greatest general of all time, Jesus Christ is waging against the tyrannical forces of evil and hell that are bent on destroying mankind.

Were you to take the time to study the book of Revelation, you will CLEARLY see that when he comes back it aint going to be some love in, hippie, peace and groovy time. No, it will be a battle to end all battles. Likely putting the scene in Avengers Endgame final act (my favorite of all time movie scene…”on your left”) to complete and utter shame.

He dealt a significant blow to the enemy in his resurrection. However, the greater assault, the one that will be the war of all wars has yet to be waged. No prisoners will be taken then. There will be no apologies at that time. The evil and all of it’s supporters, as I read it, will be unsympathetically thrown into the lake of sulfur. We will watch as they burn and are destroyed. In other words, He’s bringing the BIG GUNS and is NOT apologizing or holding back.

The true Death Blow to Satan and his cohorts is yet to come.

In a much smaller scale, the battle for Freedom and Liberty in the United States will require the same kind of conviction and commitment. Not rolling over while the evil forces take greater ground…so you can “be more like Jesus”.

They are in our government bodies now. They are in our Justice Department. They are in our higher education offices and schools, they are occupying some of the highest offices in the land. They own all the Mainstream Propaganda outlets.

They are brazenly and unapologetically wreaking havoc on the freedom and liberty America stands for under her Constitution.

By letting them, you are just the opposite of Jesus. You are a gutless turd covering your cowardice under a false blanket of mock Christianity.

Is America over?

No. As long as she, in her soul, knows the level of commitment it takes to maintain liberty and freedom and like Jesus Christ, is willing to do what it takes to maintain it.

There is hope. There is always hope. It just takes your willingness to stand up and do something about it and quit hiding behind Jesus, or “civility” or “diplomacy”. The devil is using that against us. The Tyrants are using these traits against us, against you.

It won’t stop until you understand, there comes a time to fight fire with fire. I believe that time is upon us.

Stand up, get your boots on. I think we have a battle to wage.

Oh…and… Happy New Year!

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


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