We Found Bigfoot
In today’s post I would like to introduce you to our Bigfoot 2500 series travel trailer. You’ll get a brief rundown, but more importantly a link to our new video tour.

“When I Retire…”
I hear so many folks talk about the magical day in which they come to “critical mass”.
Having reached some magical golden age, they will, in their vision, “retire” and really begin enjoy what little life they have left.
Americans have become slaves to the 401k, a promised Pension, Lifetime Health Benefits guaranteed, and amassing wealth to degrees never realized in the history of man.
I’ve been chasing all that my entire life and have come up disappointed and empty handed.
Today, it really hit me reading Jesus talk about this concept with his followers in the story of the Rich Fool as it’s called.
A story I’ve read many times took on a new feel this morning and I thought it was worth discussing.

Utah for Christmas
Well, we spent a full 9 days in the small city of Kanab, UT for Christmas with two of my sons and their ladies. While there, we made a number of hikes and today I want to share with you one of my all time favorites, the Deer Trap Mountain trail in Zion National Park.

14 Days in Golden Canyon
A see you later for the Golden Canyon in Arizona.
We spent 14 nights in the Golden Canyon area of Arizona, just east of Phoenix.
It was a lovely, although dusty, time meeting some great new friends and learning a number of things related to our experiences out here.

Courage to Stand
Do you have the level of courage necessary to stand in the face of opposition?
Life is full of hard choices. Many of the choices revolve around “fitting in” or going it alone.
Often, it’s the going it alone part that is required to be more like Jesus.

Elephant Butte
The work on the road has begun and as I find my way along this journey, I am starting to find a system in my day to day workflow.
While staying in the Elephant Butte area, I have been treated to some fairly pretty skies at night and in the morning. I thought i’d share them with you.

Where God Guides
Andrew Word’s song, Unfailing sets the stage for today’s post and video. I hope you find it soothing and encouraging in your own life today.

Life Span vs Health Span
I’ve recently learned the term “health span”. I’d like to share with you some of what it has taught me.

We all have so much stuff. So much stuff our garages and basements are overflowing.
I wonder if we realize the amount of stress all this stuff puts on us as humans?