Then I Was Terrified
We all face situations which scare us. They appear as daunting heights, potential tornados of emotion, even unscalable heghts. If I remember who made them all, who made me, and who’s side I’m on, well, it becomes easier to press on in spite of the fear.
There’s a lesson from Nehemiah I learned today that I want to share.
A Tale of Two Worlds
Fear is the way a tyrant trying to dominate you get you to comply. They use confusion and a never ending array of story changes.
This tactic works for a lot of people. Far too many people.
Please be encouraged. If you are confused, it’s because they intend you to be.
Please read on for more clear understanding of what they are doing to your mind.
Losing In Life
Life can really suck the wind out of us, can’t it?
I know there are a lot of people around preaching “your happiness isn’t circumstantial”. Yeah, I know. They are right…I guess.
Pain is pain regardless. It ain’t no happy time when you go through pain. It is a real drag.