A Tale of Two Worlds
In a bold move two days ago, our Governor, Ron DeSantis signed an order removing all State Of Emergencies still on the books.
These various declarations were what the liberal representatives in municipalities like Orlando, Kissimmee, Tampa, St Pete, and the entire Miami area have used to continue imposing restrictions and mask mandates on the people they represent.
The Governor issued a death blow to any further ability these counties and municipalities have, or will have in the future to restrict the lives of the citizens they represent.
Boy, there are some angry mayors and council members today all over the news.
In fact, today, the Miami Dade County mayor is on record saying she will not comply. They will continue to oppress and restrict. (She fits into the model in the video of tyrants I mention below).
Who’s not surprised? This Guy —————>>>
Typical rhetoric which is non sensical and irrational. In spite of provable numbers compared to other locked up states, statistical data, and science, these folks and others like them would enjoy keeping you under their thumb forever. I think they see themselves as parents and all their constituents are like adult, dependent, mentally handicapped children. All of which need to be told how and what to do all the time.
I contrast Governor DeSantis to Governor Gretchen Whitmer in the state of Michigan.
Governor Whitmer came out last week stating a very parental way that in order for the state to open up, she will only do so at the rate of percentage the population takes the vaccine.
If 30% is vaccinated, 30% open, and so on. If this isn’t like the number of the beast talk in the Book of Revelation, I don’t know what is. I will not be surprised if at some point she employs a vaccination passport of sorts. A passport that should you not have (because you refuse vaccination) you cannot shop or buy or enter stores in Michigan. (As part of the state bill our governor signed, vaccine passports or anything resembling them have been outlawed in the state of Florida.)
If that doesn’t cause resistance among the population of Michigan, I don’t think anything ever will.
Can you even imagine an elected official would be so brazen as to demand that you, in order to regain your freedom, inject a foreign substance into your body that most of us still don’t fully understand. So much for “my body, my choice” these same humans scream about when killing their unborn children. It only applies to them, when they want what they want. Sex without consequence.
We are going on their word. And it would certainly seem they aren’t convinced. They have all taken the shot and yet they still mask up… everywhere a camera is present anyway.
A friend of mine mentioned yesterday her father is petrified of all of it. She said paranoid, I believe. He seems to hang on Governor Whitmer’s every command and edict. Obedience is key in his mind to avoiding sure death from the Chinese Virus.
The fact her orders never end, the fact she doesn’t follow her own edicts by visiting Florida recently (along with a number of others in her staff doing the same thing) seem to not phase people like my friend’s father. How he can’t see the hypocrisy is beyond me.
The complete and unbelievable irony in the above astounds me.
Back to my friends dad.
He is Boxer in George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm. (So thankful I was required to read this in the 10th grade).
A hard working, all too trusting man, who will be taken off and killed when he is no longer useful to the means of the power hungry folks like the libs in the oppressive counties here, and those the likes of Gretchen Whitmer, the pigs in Orwells novel. (Good call George. They are like pigs.)
I find it sad to know that people fall for and live by these situations. I find it sad they willingly make themselves subservient to despots. Particularly when we have historical record of how this ends up for every society it has happened to.
I find it sad the fear under which they live, enabling the oppressors to continue doing their dirty work.
It must be very hard to be in the shoes of such people. To live their lives of confusion, fear, rage, paranoia.
Never the less, the tyrants and their edicts must be destroyed.
Thankfully, our governor also signed into law a bill which RADICALLY restricts the powers of the governing bodies in Florida moving forward; particularly related to Emergency Orders pertaining to Public Health matters. There will not be any more never ending orders and edicts handed down from on high in Florida.
Max time, 42 days from original declarations from now on and they must be renewed every 7 days from the first declaration if I understand what I read properly.
I know this.
I’m glad to live here.
I’m thankful I made the incredibly difficult move in 2006 coming here having no idea how or where we would end up.
I don’t regret it one bit today.
I was talking to another friend telling her she should move down here. “It’s not that easy Rob…” she said.
Yeah, no crap. I did it. It wasn’t easy. Not one bit. 3 little kids, no where to live (we lived for 2 weeks in a very small hotel room when we got here).
But by God, we did it.
It is amazing what a human can accomplish when they are put into a position to have to do it. I think this is why I chose what I did. Forced myself into a corner.
It scared the living crap out of me to make that jump. Holy man, did it ever. But I stood and faced it and said “I will win, you bastard…let’s get this crap on!”
I won.
If you look above my head, you get an idea of the drop off next to me as the trail continues waaaay over there.
I’m not picking on my friend. In fact, in her defense, her circumstances are vastly different than mine at that particular time in my life years back. For her, it isn’t as cut and dried as perhaps it was for me, if that can even be said. Regardless of the circumstances, I will say that picking up and moving your family 1500 miles from their home won’t be easy for anyone. Some more challenging than others, to this I will concede. Nothing is impossible, but again, for some, it may be closer to unrealistic and impossible than for others. More than anything, I think it helps people to know that even I am afraid at times. I mean look at my nervous ass trying to navigate down this trail in Sequoia! I can’t even stand up straight. That cliff next to me is STRAGHT DOWN 2000 plus feet. Thankfully, I could walk it comfortably, standing up straight now. Another example of forcing myself to face a fearful event and overcoming.
I like a young man on Youtube called JP Sears. He’s a funny guy who’s pretty sharp.
I’ve watched him turn from a Black Lives Matter supporter in the spring of last year to a full on “I get it” regarding the tyranny standing before us. Actually producing a pod cast last month admitting, on record, all the things he was supporting which he now rejects. Not the least of which are the communists at Black Lives Matter.
JP shared a video via email today and I want to share it with you.
This video will help you, if you are like me, to understand those like my friends father. Folks who fall into, as the video calls it, Menticide.
It explains how these evil pukes are able to convince so many to willingly comply with their utter madness.
Of course, I do think the closer one is to Jesus, the less they fear.
However, as I have droned on about before, most certainly even within the church community there are far, far too many who have gone along, and are still going along with these idiots.
I am proud to have been one of the folks the video talks about who never trusted these tyrants to begin with. Instead, saw their opportunistic play on fear in order to gain control over the weak minded among us.
I proudly created what this video calls a parallel universe by setting my business up as a blatant, flagrant, in your face beacon of freedom from the very onset.
I refused to close, even for a single day in utter defiance of what, from the beginning, I saw as an unprecedented assault on my freedom and liberty guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
As the tyrants and their propagandists continued to sell new variations on their fear mongering (as noted in the video…the path they use to confuse you), I took even further steps to tell people I am standing against.
And today, I still stand against.
If you wonder, if you are confused, if you think…”something just isn’t right”, you are not alone.
You may feel like you are on an island.
Again, you are not alone.
I hope you enjoy this educational video on how these people over the course of history manage to influence masses into strict obedience to their whims.
Vast Expanse of No One. Can be lonely. Can be good.
It explains why people vote for Whitmer and Newsom.
You may feel that you are losing your mind. But you are not. Do not give in. Do not trust these people in power. Continue to be a harbinger of truth, as Jordan Peterson gallantly describes in a video I am going to share with you in the next day or too.
Never, ever, ever apologize for being a truth teller. Stand up for truth and let the chips fall where they may. Never, ever, ever compromise on truth. I don’t care how lonely it will be.
Truth and being alone far beat lies and being one of the masses.
~rob out