“On The Road Again”

#vanlife #roadtrip #nationalparks #robertanthony

Is it Willie Nelson that sings that song?

Coffee at Wawa for the Start of the Trip

Coffee at Wawa for the Start of the Trip

I can’t remember.

Well, it’s official, I am now on the road. Headed west. I come to you today from a small town called Snyder Texas. Going through Lubbock on to who knows where.

I am having a difficult time determining where to head first. I had planned to do a number of dark sky areas in the 4 corners geography. However, the moon is up the entire night until well past the end of the month.

I am meeting a friend in Salt Lake in early June and he and I will hit the Tetons.

Dad and The Dogman

Dad and The Dogman

Levi and I might hook up after and have yet to determine where we will go.

When he and I had breakfast together in Destin on my way through the area a few days back, he expressed a desire to meet up and hike some. He’s my original hiking buddy.

BTW…how much of a joy is it to have one of your kids desire to spend a number of days tackling wilderness related hikes together? I will never grow tired of being their dad. I will never grow tired of spending time together in the wild with any of them who wish to do so.

Honestly, there’s not much in my life that’s more fulfilling than to be on top of a mountain or in the middle of the dark desert night sharing the sights with my wife or one of the kids. It puts everything in perspective.

From my workout point this morning, the local Walmart, I thought about this very thing.

Working Out In TX as the sun comes up.

Working Out In TX as the sun comes up.

Joe Biden is still doing his best to ruin the country. The democrats continue to try and remake the country into a communist culture.

Inflation is rising.

Messes everywhere.

But it all seems to matter less and less to me as I drive the long road west, stopping to do the important things.

Such as?

Sitting for a few hours over breakfast with Levi.

Spending the morning the next day in Ruston, LA with Gary Reed, a long time friend who is the owner of the company who provides our point of sale system, just catching up.

Driving and talking to those important in my life.

Driving gives me hours on end to spend time on the phone listening to and trying to encourage my wife, Joelle, Elise, my daughter, or any one of my sons, Jacob, Levi and Ed.

I can talk a little to my mother and learn about her camper purchase. (I continue to try and convince her to get in the car, hook it up, and drive out here to meet me…doubtful that will happen though…) :-)

The societal and cultural upheaval matters less and less during these special times.

Further, I am having to learn to not be so uptight.

I am purposely disciplining myself this time around to have NO PLAN.

On one hand, it’s driving me utterly mad.

On the other, it seems to be setting me free.

For example, I believe I am going to head to White Sands National Park today and then jaunt over to Petrified Forest National Park. From there?

Who the crap knows? I sure don’t.

So I hurry less.

I take time to catch up on flower shop work while having coffee at McDonalds. (The staff continues to check on me and fill up my coffee).

I can take time to write my thoughts here with updates.

It’s relaxing.

I’m learning to take it all in stride. Less bothers me.

I think that’s good.

Two examples…and then I will go for now.

Outside of Destin, on my way to Ruston, I noted a slight clunk coming from the Drivers Side wheel well.

If my wife is reading this, she might be laughing. Everyone knows how upset I get, how freaked out I get when anything pops up on a vehicle that could be wrong…being thousands of miles from home. (Control Freak tries to take over).

Anyway…I contacted my friend Gary and he helped me find a mechanic, who couldn’t see me as they were booked…and ultimately I ended up at the Dodge Dealership in Ruston.

They were gracious, professional and fit me in first thing the next morning to isolate the problem.

This of course, slowed me down some. BUT it FORCED me to relax and just enjoy my time with Gary and his staff.

Ultimately when the Dealership called, it turned out to only be a defective strut (bummer because they are newly installed specifically for this trip).

The upside is the mechanic assured me that while I will have to deal with the noise and clunking, I am perfectly safe.

$50 bucks.

Pretty good deal for a piece of mind.


I cruise into north Texas getting ready to call it a night. I fill up with gas and note that the left rear shock seems to be hanging low. I look under the car…and it’s completely dis-attached from the axle!

Also newly installed.

Thankfully, I was able to find an automotive service shop open and a young man named Kevin, the owner, was enthusiastically willing to get it fixed and back on the road.

“Just give me $25 bucks to cover it…”

“Make it $35” I said as I felt he deserved the extra tip.

I try as much as I can to be generous when I can and it’s called for. In his case, it sure was.

Interestingly, I had spent a lot of the afternoon drive listening to some Joyce Meyer podcasts.

The theme of the messages were all about living in faith and trusting the Lord even when things seem to be going awry.

Rolling with it, you know?

Maybe I’m getting older. Maybe experience has taught me some.

Maybe I am growing in my walk with Jesus.

I suspect the latter is it and through it He is helping me gain better perspective. He seems to be teaching me to worry less and trust him more.

“Oh that the favor of the Lord God be upon me. May He Establish the work of my hands upon me. No good thing will he withhold from me when I choose to walk uprightly”. ~Somewhere in Psalms :-)

Will you consider following along on this new journey?

I’d love to have you along for the virtual ride.

And hey, if you can share it around…much appreciated.

~rob out

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


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