Radical Differences

I’m typing this today from the White Sands National Park area.

Just an observation.

It’s amazing to me the differences in the level of freedom in the State of New Mexico and the State, say, of Texas…and frankly every other border I crossed coming this way.

Most of the restaurants around here maintain closed dining rooms per county and state edicts.

Such a stark contrast from where that I have come.

I talked with my cousin in Michigan while having lunch in the National Park overlooking the white dunes.

Whitmer still believes everyone should be locked up.

It’s amazing to me that people elect these folks.

There is pushback. I am beginning to see more and more across the country.

However, it amazes me how many will elect these folks and when the oppression comes, go along with it.

I think it must be a lot like the dysfunctional family.

The family that has parents who enable their kids to get away with murder. They give their kids money when they shouldn’t.

The kids grow up to hate the parents. The parents complain about it.

The kids, however, continue to go back with their hand out to the enabling parent whenever something comes up the kid (now an adult) can’t handle.

Why can’t they handle it?

The parents enabled them, did everything for them, paid for everything, bailed them out and so on.

The parents attempt to run the adult kids lives, the adult kid resents it. Yet this cycle continues, often for a lifetime.

The parents love/hate it. The adult kids love/hate it.

Nothing changes.

This is how I see these government/citizen relationships in places like the state of Michigan or New Mexico for example.

Big daddy government handles everything, the citizens go along, expecting big daddy government to take care of them.


I’d rather eat bread and water than be in this kind of cycle.

At any rate, it’s so horribly surprising that this state remains in this “state”.

Texas, right next door, no new cases of the dreaded China Virus, yet completely opened.

This may be the difference between those of us conservatives compared to the liberals who elect the leaders in these states.

I am and desire to be completely and as much as possible independent. An adult that burdens no one, for anything, ever.

Never do I wish to be dependent on government, parents, or anyone else and in so doing, create a burden (as well as complete dysfunction in relationships).

I’ll write again soon.

~rob out

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


Why I’m Going Back to YouTube


“On The Road Again”