Why I’m Going Back to YouTube
#youtube #landscapephotography #firstamendment #MAGA
As I was driving through Louisiana a few days back I was listening to a John Stossel video on Youtube.
Mr. Stossel, an outstanding report with decades in the trade was interviewing Stephen Crowder.
Stephen is one of the up and coming young voices in the conservative movement. He has a huge Youtube presence as well as a huge Facebook following.
Stephen has been under assault by Youtube and Facebook. He has been demonetized and de-platformed by both. They give no reason. They just do it.
He is involved in rather large lawsuits against both. He will win.
At any rate, he was asked by John why he stays on the platforms when there are others out there such as Rumble and Parler and so on.
Stephens response really gave me cause to think.
His reasoning is that both YT and FB are the largest platforms with the largest reach.
His desire is to change the thinking of anyone who has a liberal bent.
He talked about Rumble and Parler. In it he said to be there really just is preaching to the choir.
I liked his thinking.
It really exposed to me how wrong I have been in pulling back.
Jesus went into the temple and challenged the “enemies” of the people in his day. He didn’t hole up with his 12 buddies and call it good.
No, he went where he KNEW he could, no, he would be criticized, condemned and persecuted.
He knew they would try and silence him.
They would eventually lose.
Evil always looses to good…eventually.
God says in Proverbs 22
“Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster,
and their reign of terror will come to an end.”
These people are evil. They are anti freedom. And friends, if you believe God, they will be dealt with. Their reign of terror WILL come to an end.
However, this is where the biggest opportunity to change hearts is at.
Shame on me for missing this point.
I cut a video talking about this yesterday and I want to share that with you today.
It explains in a little more detail my logic.
I hope you will watch it. Please comment if you do.
One thing I want to make very clear.
While I will continue to do photography and adventure stuff…I am not going to try and candy coat who I am.
This has been my biggest mistake.
I have been far to worried about not upsetting anyone and in so doing, tempered my thoughts and comments.
No more.
I did this because a few of my lib friends came down on me behind the scenes because I was getting far to deeply enmeshed in my thoughts related to the tyrants in America. (If you don’t know, I HATE it when bully type people hurt anyone I care about…and I care about all of you freedom loving great Americans out there…very deeply)
So, you are either going to love me…or hate me. Any more, I just don’t think I give a crap.
God so pays attention to detail, even creating this beauty the size of a dime in the middle of a massive white sand desert.
I sat, today, in the middle of a giant gypsum deposit called commonly white sand.
All around me are mountains and white dunes as far as you can see.
God made it all.
I answer to him…and him alone.
To quote one of “The Other Guys”…”I’m a Peacock Bob and a Peacock has to fly”.
~rob out
PS If you begin watching my videos on Youtube, would you please subscribe and also comment on videos? When you comment on my videos it helps them to get suggested to others. And when they are suggested to others, it grows. I want to reach people and also begin changing hearts and minds to the good. You can help me to do that by commenting and sharing videos.