Then I Was Terrified
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Then I Was Terrified

We all face situations which scare us. They appear as daunting heights, potential tornados of emotion, even unscalable heghts. If I remember who made them all, who made me, and who’s side I’m on, well, it becomes easier to press on in spite of the fear.

There’s a lesson from Nehemiah I learned today that I want to share.

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A Friend and Her Pain
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

A Friend and Her Pain

At dinner last night, Joelle and I sat with friends. Beth and Amy are sisters with whom I have been friends since high school.

Beth shared with us a recent heartache with which she’s now dealing and it’s a scary time for her.

I wanted to share with you some of our discussion and also some encouragement today from Psalm 107. I hope it helps comfort you.

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Be Strong
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Be Strong

Be Strong the scriptures exhort us. What? How? Don’t you know what I face?

The anxiety that fills our life often sucks our will to live. Yet, We are to be strong. How?

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Don’t Hit the Stop Sign
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Don’t Hit the Stop Sign

He really struggled with the concept. Through a series of ideas, finally, we found success.

Levi and I dressed Ed in every kind of imaginable padding.

Helmet, Face Guard from paint balling, water ski vest, elbow pads, knee pads, shin guards, wrist guards, jock strap, plastic jock cup to cover the weiner.

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Losing In Life
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Losing In Life

Life can really suck the wind out of us, can’t it?

I know there are a lot of people around preaching “your happiness isn’t circumstantial”. Yeah, I know. They are right…I guess.

Pain is pain regardless. It ain’t no happy time when you go through pain. It is a real drag.

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