Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Be You

Some time ago, I was on an adventure. An initial journey which eventually has led me to this point in my life.

I won't soon forget this spot at which I spent a few days. I was 30 plus miles off 89a at the literal edge of the Marble Canyon portion of the Grand Canyon.

While there, a rather large clan of unique and beautiful hummingbirds only found out west kept me company. They often flew and hovered into the van to check out the various colorful items in the van along with often humming around my head, pecking at my hat hoping for food.

It was a real treat. I plan to venture back to this spot again perhaps next spring.

I was all by myself out there. The silence while there was deafening at times. It's good for me to find places such as this.

Each sunrise, like us as people is unique. Can you imagine what life would be like if every time the sun arose, it was the same view every day of our lives?

We are all unique and I have, for far too long, found myself expecting everyone to be just like me instead of celebrating the uniqueness of all of our collective gifts.

I hope to become better each day of letting others be themselves while balancing trying to encourage them to a higher level with that level being the level of which they are capable of attaining.

Ducks should be ducks, eagles should be eagles...hummingbirds should be hummingbirds.