Rob Thoughts
Opinion. I have very strong, very dogmatic opinions varying across a host of topics.
It’s here, on this page, Rob’s Thoughts, that I pen and share these pieces.
Through my blog, a space on which I can write, I share stories and thoughts from my life of experiences.
I have parented 4 children, owned multiple businesses, weathered divorce and bankruptcy.
I have a 2nd wife now and navigate the blended family concept.
Through all of the pain, most of which has been self inflicted, I have found comfort and hope through my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. My very real, very true friend.
As I have struggled through all of the above, I have learned. I take notes. I try to avoid the “hot stove” phenomenon as much as I am able.
I do however, have a propensity to frequently “return to the vomit” as Solomon mentions in the book of Proverbs.
Most of the opinions I have developed have come from years of study and experience. Both the study of the Bible, or Scriptures, and the study of other humans and their behaviors.
Most importantly, has become the study of my own thinking, decisions, and actions.
While I do have and have often shared my political positions and thoughts, I am not a pundit or talking head. Instead, I find that to be a dividing factor. Jesus himself was never political, in spite of their attempts to make him so. If I am trying to live more like Jesus through my life, if I want to have as great an impact as a man can have, for me, I have decided to remain, as much as possible out of the realm of political opinion.
This isn’t to say that my thoughts won’t cross into such venues, as evidenced in my thinking all throughout the attempts at oppression by our governments during the Coronavirus manufacture chaos. However, as a general rule, I attempt to avoid such commentary.
Here, you are more likely to receive my thoughts on a given set of bible verses or concepts I have recently uncovered or which have come to light in my head and mind through my own personal studies.
Or, you may find my thoughts related to a recent issue I am attempting to resolve; something relationship oriented say, around my wife and relationship to her or the relationships I have with my children.
All of these writings will fall into what I like to call Rob Thoughts. These are contemplative exercises that I put out in public with the hopes they may inspire creative problem solving, evoke a sense of hope or peace, or lead someone off the ledge of life in an effort to find their way back to normal.
I do all this through the Rob Thoughts section of my blog at this website.
I hope you will subscribe and join the fray.
Explore the story of Abraham and Lot's separation in Genesis 13, where Lot's selfish choice to settle in the fertile Jordan Valley reveals key lessons about priorities, faith, and God's provision. This article examines the contrasts between Lot's self-interest and Abraham's trust in God, offering insights for making wise, selfless decisions in today's world.