Throw the Dice
Do you struggle with doubt over what it is you will do with your life?
Do you struggle with doubt over what today will bring?
If you answered yes to either, you are in good company. These questions have plagued me for my entire life.
At 55, going on 56 soon, I feel lost and aimless. Still! After all these years, I often feel the agony of uncertainty.
Today, in my study, three of my favorite verses again came to life to remind me that this lack of certainty is uncalled for and unnecessary.
We can make our plans,
but the Lord determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9
We may throw the dice, (or We May Cast Lots)
but the Lord determines how they fall. Proverbs 16:33
Those who listen to instruction will prosper;
those who trust the Lord will be joyful. Proverbs 16:20
As hard as it is for me, it seems clear that God wants me to trust in him through all that I see happening before me.
I love to listen to all the folks who talk about their plan for this year and their plan for next year.
The Winding Road of Life
I really get a kick out of the 5 year planners.
I’ve found that nothing ever turns out like what I had originally planned. In fact, it often goes wildly different in most cases.
I do struggle with the whole “one day at a time” concept. Yet, I think this is the only way I can find peace in life as I walk it out to it’s end.
A friend we met last year in November, Charlie is his name, while on the road said to us “The best plan is to have no plan when living full time on the road”.
I think that might be true.
I can’t seem to find any peace in the planning I’ve tried to do as of the past year. Nothing has ever gone as I had hoped or dreamed.
I think I need to stop getting worked up about it when things go differently and begin to really fall back on and trust in the Lord’s leading.
I am assured in Proverbs that when I trust in him, I will be joyful.
I need that joy right about now. Trust in him for the peace I need through the times like these which are not as I had hoped or planned.
rob out