Photography and Video
Photography and Video
I started using a Canon EOS film camera at the ripe age of about 22. It was an autofocus and it was great. I loved shooting and doing photography. During that period of time, I shot a lot. Then…my daughter was born, followed shortly by her brother. Ultimately 3 children would come into my life and that put an end to film photography.
Shooting film and having it “developed” became cost prohibitive. As such, I had top lay the camera down except for only very special instances and occasions. A young, poor couple trying to raise kids simply could no longer afford the luxury of photography.
Then the digital age arrived and in 2008, In purchased my first digital DSLR. It was the Nikon D70 with it’s kit lens. A pre-courser to the famed D80. I loved it. I could shoot as much as I wanted with no costs associated.
The rest, I guess you could say, is history. Well, sort of.
While digital photography brought with it a blessing of no more film cost, it also brought new problems. Managing image files became a crucial skill I would learn in the ensuing years. I had to begin honing the skill of getting the right shot with as few frames taken as possible. Sure, I can shoot thousands of image files for “just the right shot” but in the end, they all have to be managed and that is an absolute time stealing nightmare.
With years of practice, mastering the art and craft called professional photography, I have learned significant levels of self discipline so that once engaged on a “shoot” I find I will push the shutter release button on the camera less and less resulting in far fewer image files to manage.
Over the years, I have photographed everything known to man. I’ve done Wedding Photography, High School Senior Photography, Glamour and Boudoir Photography, and Swimsuit Photography. I have done Commercial Product Photography as well as Family Portrait Photography. I have, for the most part landed on and seem to desire staying within the Landscape Photography realm. It’s here that I have thoroughly embraced and enjoy both DSLR photography with my Nikon D500 and the set of lenses I use as well as doing aerial photography with my DJI Air 2s drone.
I use Sigma Art lenses for most of my landscape work, but have thrown in a Tokina Super wide angle (which I only use sparingly for some Milky Way Photography) and I’ve added to my inventory a Tamron 150-600 mm for my close up wildlife work.
I migrated more the the landscape photography in recent years for a few reasons.
One was tiring of the demands of people with whom I would contract to get their photography work done.
The second was when I started doing more hiking and back packing in 2018 and 19. It was here, hiking to remote locales that I realized the utter beauty in God’s creation. I developed an extreme desire to begin sharing as much of what I was seeing with as many people as possible. With the power of the internet and our Living With Rob website, I can do just that. I can spend time traveling in our RV, living in the wilderness, and hike to epic spots that most in America likely won’t ever see. I can then share these views with all of you.
If you’d like to know more or have any questions for me specifically, please be sure to contact me through the website contact form. We are happy to hear from you and help you in any way we may be able. You can contact us here.
Explore Cape Disappointment's rugged beauty in the aftermath of a storm. Join me and Watson as we traverse Deadman's Cove, North Head Lighthouse, Waikiki Beach, and Benson Beach, capturing nature's raw power and serene landscapes.