Boy That HURTS!
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Boy That HURTS!

Relationships must be built around total and full transparency and honesty. Far too often in the West, they are shrouded in little lies or built upon dishonesty and deceit.

Nothing too serious, but little white lies that over time build unrealistic expectations and leave desires from both parties unfulfilled.

Often, it’s years and years down the road these unmet needs or expectations create serious relationship hardship. I wanted to share my thoughts on a remedy with you today.

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Be Careful What You’re Sellin’
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Be Careful What You’re Sellin’

On Saturday of last week, my wife, Joelle, sent me a link to an article on Foxnews. In it, the writer reports on a story about a Pastor in Missouri.

He has been suspended by the General Baptist Ministries Association and is currently undergoing “counseling”. Read- Reeducation.

Should you wish to see the story, and even watch the sermon bringing the wrath of the “woke” you can do so here.

This gentleman stands on a lot of nerves in this sermon. Some of which is not wrong. If you read my post on Gluttony, you will see in certain respects I agree with him.

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