How My Mind Fires
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

How My Mind Fires

Yesterday, my dad sent a video suggestion out via email.

To it, a family member replied.

This sparked a fire in my head. I began typing a reply. It went on for a while.

I opted not to hit send as I doubted anyone in the “reply all” thread would care to stomach reading it.

So I thought I’d just put it on paper here and let anyone interested peer in this particular window of my mind.

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Greed Is Destroying Us
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Greed Is Destroying Us

I watched President Trumps full speech at CPAC on Sunday.

What an incredibly stark contrast to Joe “Dark Winter” Biden and his ability or lack thereof to orate. Holy man.

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100 Million Dead
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

100 Million Dead

I have a LOT of problems with a number of things today. I’d like to ask you to think on them.

Communism, it’s founding principals, Marxism, and the “Revolutionaries” at Black Lives Matter are right at the top of my list.

Communism has killed a lot of folks

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