How My Mind Fires

Yesterday, my dad sent a video suggestion out via email.

To it, a family member replied.

This sparked a fire in my head. I began typing a reply. It went on for a while.

I opted not to hit send as I doubted anyone in the “reply all” thread would care to stomach reading it.

So I thought I’d just put it on paper here and let anyone interested peer in this particular window of my mind.

At times, it’s difficult being an 8 on the Enneagram. We are part of what is called the “Anger Triad” portion of the numbers. Elise, my daughter… a 1 on the Enneagram… or as we like to call it when we are making fun of the Calvinists among us, The Satan-a-gram. (All in good fun you guys. All in good fun.) also in the Anger Triad.


My wife, a 6 on the Satan-a-gr… Enneagram, and one who suffers through Borderline Personality Disorder, often claims as if she has a corner on crazy “NO ONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT’S GOING ON IN MY HEAD”.

Okay dear. Next time you decide to claim that hill, please note.

This is what it’s like in my head when someone says something I might take issue with.

Insert Email Below This Line (imagine a pleasant computer voice just announced that to you)

“Hi everyone.

There are a lot of apathetic, complacent people in America.


The Marxists among us are unrelenting and they are making their moves. They want domination more than we want liberty, or so it would seem.

Sadly, far too many of ‘our side’ continue to live life in comfort, not realizing the severity of the issues facing our liberty and freedom.

Look, for example, at how many continue to willingly comply with tyrannically dictates across the land. Most of the "science" they continue to push has been debunked and proved only to be manipulation of truth meant to see how many will go along.

I doubt we will see any ‘uprising’ to follow a ‘General Trump’ as stated until such time this madness comes to the front door of these complacent folks across the land. And it may...or it may not.

It certainly did in China or in the Ukraine during those horrific and deadly times for tens of millions of innocents. Evil isn't willing to stop. It leaves much death in it’s wake while only a few in power remain comfortable living off the backs of the folks they imprison and murder. Fauci makes $500,000.00 per year while you worry about how to keep your businesses open and compliant to the demands of your local health departments and municipal governments marching in lock stop to his ‘recommendations’.

Do not be misled. This evil is called Communism. It is straight from the gates of hell itself and has decided this now is the time for it to make it’s most aggressive moves yet in an attempt to overthrow the America we grew up in.

If there was ever a call to war, I wonder if we are now facing it squarely.

War is hell. That's for sure. No one wants war. So much so, many of us refuse to call a spade a spade and do something about it. I think a lot of us are ignoring this because we are afraid of what confronting this clear and present danger to the necessary levels looks like.

Lest a large swath of Americans decide to stand up and call it what it is, being we have an enemy inside our borders taking over our land, they will lose their liberty forever.

Far too few take this threat as seriously as they should. At least that's my thought.

I mean really, has everyone seen the video of the mom lambasting the school board for forcing her kid to wear a mask, crying, all emotional? It made national news.

The only thought I could muster was ‘You fool. You're the idiot here for not taking your child’s life into your hands and educating him yourself as we did ours.’

We HATED what we saw happening in the school system in the early to mid 90's so we chose to not bitch at the district, but instead saw it for what it was; Indoctrination camps incubating what we now see across the entire country. A generation of kids educated in that madness. The madness we saw and said hell no, refused to put our kids into the environment, and made the VERY DIFFICULT sacrifices, whatever it took, to do it ourselves.

Many, even in our own families, both sides, criticized us. We were Loons. Absolutely Crazy. Creating socially retarded children who would be incapable and inept at functioning in society. The usual ignorant stereotypical thoughts and concepts about home schooling families.

In a round about way, I suppose the critics in my family were not wrong. Yes, all 4 of my children don’t fit into the society created by these now peers. Not because they aren’t functioning. No, it’s actually inverse. The vast percentage of their peers, those who remained in the Marxist Concentration Camps called the American Public School System and the Higher Education For Expanded Entitlement Enlightenment camps called the American University graduate with little to no skill. They have a fundamental belief they are entitled to get whatever they want from life without any pain, struggle, or actual dedication and work. Most are in debt (bondage) to the federal government for tens of thousands of dollars or more. Worse still, they believe they should not have to pay back the money they accepted from the taxpayers which funded their 4 years of learning very little useful in the real world.

They continue to remain a financial strain and burden on their parents into the late 20’s and early 30’s.

Who's laughing now?

Let me be clear. There are some good teachers out there. It’s not as if they are all from the Stalinist belief structure promoted in the Universities. One must keep in mind however, that while I was growing up, the Marxists were just working their way into our system. It was the mid to late 70’s and early 80’s. It was my generation and the one immediately following me that were baptized in the waters of Marxism. These evil people had securely made their way into the colleges by the time my age group hit them and the subsequent groups as well. These people, those I graduated with and they that have followed are who is educating your children now.

I’ve tried to hire some of these boobs. Most are lazy, incompetent, entitlement minded humans more concerned about their Instagram or Facebook likes and status updates than actually doing something with their lives.

They LOVE this Socialism their idol Bernie (Feel the Bern) Sanders presses for. Free stuff and never needing to work for it, ever. (By the way, have you ever studied this Jack Ass and his life? What an absolute loser and mooch off society. A truer leech of a human being I could not describe).

Instead most parents I see are like this woman.

‘I am going to yell and scream about it...but not do the hard things. I still want the government to take care of teaching...and in essence kids. I just want them to do it my way.’

Not gonna happen. The problem is so deep, so rooted, the only answer is to do what we did with our kids for a generation WHILE AT THE SAME TIME working to resolve it at the school board levels. Get the kids out while you wage war on the Critical Race Theorists ruling the lives of the kids today. Fight them, while at the same time protecting your own children.

From most, I observe an apathy. "Nah, just too much effort required".

Get your kid the hell out of the Critical Race Theory Incubators or shut the hell up. Period. You are an absolute moron if you leave them in there while complaining about it’s affect on your kids. I don’t want to hear anything more from these individuals no matter the side to which they pledge their allegiance.

If German Nazis were on our soil in the 40s doing what these communists are doing today, they would have been shot and killed. Every last one of them. At the very least surrounded, captured, and dealt with accordingly. Certainly sent away, out of our society, never to be seen or heard from again.

The enemy was clear as day to that generation. The Japanese and the German armies. All bent on totalitarian rule of the world, not unlike the Marxists of BLM and ANTIFA who are radically active and pushing their Critical Race Theories in our land right now. Cultural Marxism. Everyone is a victim and needs to be rescued. The only true savior being the leaders of this movement and the governing body they would impose on the masses once they obtain full power.

I watched a video from Prager this week with a man on the street toward the end of last week. In it, he asks a number of people, all black I might add, in Minnesota if they believe they must rise up and kill all white men; genocide as he defines it for them. Each of them concede in some way they believe this is likely the only answer to their woes. It’s the only true justice they will accept

These people are ready to kill you. They believe this is the only just course of action to set the wrongs of America right as they see it.

If the threat of getting sick, or even death, causes Americans to willingly go along with the tyrant (as we have seen for the past year), accept these scenarios, there is no way anyone could ever convince me that a large enough portion of the populous would ever have the courage to do whatever it would take to secure the freedoms and liberties our founders were willing to die for, as did the subsequent generations thereafter.

No, we are in a world of Facebook, Instagram, and mini pocket prisons brilliantly marketed as ‘phones’. A world where Oligarchs determine what your pocket prison feeds you for information. A world of people petrified of being scorned or getting into trouble for not wearing an Effing mask for God's sake!

A world of Church Volunteers, where we live, being required to mask up. Don a mask so everyone feels "safe” This is in spite of the exposed lies associated with doing so. The best mask I have yet seen was at church with a ‘Faith Over Fear’ message affixed across it’s entirety. ‘Wait, What? You can't be serious...’

When I confronted our pastor over this stupidity, his reply was they don't want to get slapped with fines or publicly shamed because our county has a mandate on the books. ‘We can't make people be unafraid’.

That’s your answer is to keep working to instill the fear. Enforce it. Embrace it. Promote it. Go along with the mantra, the lie.


Tyrants never voluntarily relinquish their dominance over a people. Never, ever.

The only time it stops?

When I say, enough, and refuse to comply. Period. As forcefully as I must, I stand up and push them back until the run into the woods afraid, to never return (and hopefully eaten by a grizzly bear…or Bigfoot)

We need leaders like a Reagan or a Trump. But as we see, these enemies will go to any and all effort to get rid of them.

If we do nothing about it, we only have ourselves to blame for losing it.

It remains my fervent hope the American spirit which gave us this country, that same commitment, a willingness to sacrifice as my grandparents generation did, will allow us to ‘keep it’ as Benjamin Franklin pondered in his writings.

It remains my hope that the tiger will awaken and rise up.

I will close out this opinion piece with words from a customer living in Edmonton Alberta last year when she called and ordered flowers.

An educated doctor said to me the following.

‘My husband and I are watching this and cannot believe what we are seeing. We are scared and worried, not only for Canada, but for the world. In our talks, we have determined that the only hope the world has to push this back, to end it will be if the American Redneck Community gets up, stands up, and does something about this. If they do not, liberty at all levels will be lost. The American Redneck is our only hope’.

She's not wrong.

The enemy we face now are not German, Japanese, or Vietnamese armies. They are the Black Lives Matter cohorts. They are ANTIFA. They are the far left wing of the Democrat party. They are the Gretchen Whitmers, the Gavin Newsomes, the Phil Murphys. They are no different an enemy than we faced in World War 1 and 2.

Worse still, I worry some these are distractions organized and led by a bigger Chinese enemy setting the stage to attempt overthrowing us while we are distracted by what is currently before us.

Why do we believe democracy, waiting, and negotiating are the right courses of action?

Is this how we beat the enemies bent on world domination in the 20s, 30s, 40s?

No, I say, it’s not.

These people to which I refer above are not Americans. They love Americas wealth, but they hate America. They are too stupid to see that it’s America and her beautiful way of life which allows them to build or purchase multiple million dollar homes as the Black Lives Matter Founder recently has been exposed doing. No, they just want to rape America shamelessly, destroy her, ravage her, and live off the spoils, leaving all the idiots stupid enough to support them as they do so to starve to death as all dictators have done over the entire history of mankind.

These are evil, self serving people bent on dominating you, your life, and everything you try to do every day you are alive. While they live in luxury off of your servitude, immune to their own oppressive restrictions.

Unless you make a choice to fight them as we did the German Army or the Japanese Army, you will lose the life you hold so dear. Trust me. I see it coming, as does Miles.

Miles is my friend at the Gym. Miles is Ukrainian. He lived during the 50’s and 60’s in the Ukraine. He saw what Marxists do.

He lives here now.

He talks to me every day that what happened there, is now happening here….exactly as it happened in his home land right before his eyes.

It’s coming. It’s inevitable. We have allowed it to gain too much ground here. We didn’t beat them back soon enough. We have put our kids in their Reeducation Camps shrouded under a veil called Public School. We willingly chose to. We are worse for it.

It has been and continues to be selfishness which pushed us to do so. Gotta’ have ‘my time’. Do what I wanna do. I can’t do that if I am raising kids. (Why the hell did you have kids to begin with if your utmost desire was to get them out from under your feet and into a government funded institution 9 months out of the year, 5 days a week, 7 plus hours per day as soon as you possibly could once the novelty of having them wore off?)

We must now accept our errors and make choices and decisions accordingly.

Socialism and it’s spawn, Communism with all it promises is simply equality. Equally distributed misery for all.

‘Help us Obi Wan Kenobi (insert American Redneck), you're our only hope’…


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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.

Just Get To Lunch
