100 Million Dead

“People who wink at wrong cause trouble,
but a bold reproof promotes peace.The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain;
the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.” Proverbs 10:10-11

Communism. The new wet dream in America.


I have a LOT of problems with a number of things today. I’d like to ask you to think on them.

Communism, it’s founding principals, Marxism, and the “Revolutionaries” at Black Lives Matter are right at the top of my list.

Communism has killed a lot of folks

According to a Wall Street Journal article in November of 2017, Communism has killed over 100 million people over the 100 years of it’s existence.

I would argue that based on their leadership and their ability to control the news in their countries along with their historical documents, the numbers are likely even higher.

100 million.

Let me put that in emphasis. 100 MILLION in 100 years have been killed by either starvation or murder.

Karl Marx is the founder of this movement. He is called a Marxist should you not know it. The first Marxist.

Today, those who believe in his ideas are called Marxist. There is traditional Marxism and there is what is now called Cultural Marxism.

Cultural Marxism is what it taking over America. The now donned “woke” movement.

Black Lives Matter was founded by and is managed by Marxists. They are a Marxist movement and group that is operating inside the borders of the United States of America. A group with over 1 billion dollars and counting in funding to build their machine.

Last I checked, Communists and the Marxist agenda are considered repugnant enemies of the United States. Freedom vs. Oppression and death.

I am growing increasingly angry with anyone in this country talking about the “problems we are facing” regarding this but are unwilling to call a spade a spade.

Some time ago, in the spring of last year, attention was drawn by a few folks, at the top of the list, Glen Beck about the Black Lives Matter website. In particular the about us page.

Since that time, the page has change radically. The content has shifted in it’s verbiage and tone.

The about us section, prior to the changes in it’s content was utterly evil. It was vile and it was Marxist totally.

They have since that time wised up and have started attempting to cover their tracks. First step was to “clean up” that page.

Unfortunately for them, but happily for you, the Way Back Machine website takes snapshots and historical saves of every website on the internet. Look at it like an extended browser history for websites. You can see what their site read going all the way back to when they put it on line. The CANNOT HIDE from what they put for the world to see before the world started to take notice.

I noted today a little clip on their front page that reads as follows.

“Help Us Fight Disinformation”

“We need to see what you see. Black Lives Matter is a central target of disinformation and you are a key line of defense. Report suspicious sites, stories, ads, social accounts, and posts about BLM.”

This is followed by a “Help Us” button so you can work with them to ferret out any information about their organization they can scrub from the web in an effort to avoid us finding out the truth. No doubt to help them isolate and attack anyone calling attention to their evils. Attack in order to silence and destroy. Not unlike past like minded leaders.

Stalin, during his Great Purge, is famous for removing people from photos to completely rid history of them. Sound familiar?

It’s a Communist tactic. And it’s happening here. You should be creeped out about it. Better yet, you should be motivated to get your ass ready.

Let me quote the opening paragraph from the article linked above from the History Channel Website.

“The Great Purge, also known as the “Great Terror,” was a brutal political campaign led by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to eliminate dissenting members of the Communist Party and anyone else he considered a threat. Although estimates vary, most experts believe at least 750,000 people were executed during the Great Purge, which took place between about 1936 and 1938. More than a million other people were sent to forced labor camps, known as Gulags.”

Now, if you will indulge me, let me quote for you the latest Demands from the Black Lives Matter Website under their BLM Demands Page (their word, not mine).

Their 7 demands are as follows.

1. Convict and ban Trump from future political office:

2. Expel Republican members of Congress who attempted to overturn the election and incited a white supremacist attack:

3. Launch a full investigation into the ties between white supremacy and the Capitol Police, law enforcement, and the military:

4. Permanently ban Trump from all digital media platforms:

5. Defund the police:

6. Don’t let the coup be used as an excuse to crack down on our movement:

7. Pass the BREATHE Act:

Sound at all familiar?

Erase the history.

Destroy the opposition.

Get rid of any force capable of fighting back against their moves toward takeover.

Twist history and tell lies to support your movement.

Read about the great purge linked above.

They are in lockstep with what Stalin did. It’s the Marxist playbook.

Black Lives Matter is openly Marxist. Their leaders are “proud Marxists”. This is a direct quote.

Marxism has killed millions. Hundreds of millions.

It would seem then to me as I attempt to reason this out that any of you who are trying to convince yourself you can diplomatically deal with this are complete and utter idiots. You are simply stupid to me.

If anything the Congress and Senate is doing resembles this, they too are enemies. They too are embracing the communist ideal.

This past number of weeks clearly is an organized attempt at what Stalin did.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple. All of them are purging dissenters and detractors as did Stalin.

Sadly, even our own congressmen and women are embracing this way.

They have fortified the House of Representatives. America’s House. It’s is if they are saying “We are officially at war with the American People”.

So my question to you is as follows.

How long are you willing to promote and support unity or diplomacy with communist ideas and folks that have fully embraced it’s evil? Maybe it’s your leaders in your city or county or state.

In talking to my daughter today she briefed me on the possibility it may even be your friends. Friends educated in the Marxist incubators of today, America’s Public schools and colleges. This is the home of the factories now producing Hitler’s version of the Brown Shirts. I will make another post on another day discussing how ludicrous it is in my mind that you are actually screaming at governments to take your kids back…into these Marxist Cesspools…while lamenting the pure evil taking over your states and cities and homes. The evil taught in theses very entities you insist take them back.

Do you believe that we could live in harmony with Hitler or Stalin in this country?

Are you so uneducated to be unable to surmise what this country would now look like had either of those men and their armies successfully invaded our shores?

And yet far too many Americans actually encourage and embrace this movement. So much so we are naming buildings and squares in cities around the country Black Lives Matter Square or some other such what I would call blasphemy against liberty and freedom.

To me it would be no different than the Joseph Stalin Federal Complex being a main building in Washington DC. Or the Adolph Hitler International Airport in New York City.

Here we were, even some church leaders in Orlando over the 2000 “summer of love” openly participating arm in arm with BLM Activists helping to paint HUGE Black Lives Matter murals right on the streets of Orlando. Literally on the street itself!

Embracing this. Welcoming it.

I suppose as long as you live in your home and it’s not affecting you and you can buy food, gasoline, have internet, TV, take your vacations, and so on. (All of which eventually disappear under full on Tyranny…a little glimpse of which many of you actually have not tasted with this bull crap scamdemic pushed onto your lives over the last 9 months)

You are fools!

My lord you are uneducated and ignorant.

If this doesn’t stop, if those of us who are liberty loving, America loving free people do nothing but complain, it won’t be long and their forces will have organized enough to do to us what Hitler did to those he hated. Worse, what Stalin did to his people. And now Communist China has done and continues to do to those it detests. To any dissention at all.

I have a friend I met on my road trip in the fall. He is Chinese and well versed in the Chinese way. Particularly the government.

He said he likes America for now. At least in America, he says, you can flip the government the finger about wearing a mask and little will happen…in most states.

In China, and he was dead serious about this, he said, if they tell you to wear a mask and you do not, they simply shoot you and kill you. Period. No questions asked. They take you away and your family never sees you again.

That’s Communism. Sadly, like BLM, they do a very good job of altering the truth of what is published. You will likely never get the full truth, for if you knew it, you would be horrified. They know this, so they are masters at covering it up.

Kind of like Stalin!

Funny how they all seem to run together.

There are rumors now circulating that BLM is looking to Hezbollah for training. I can’t verify it, but a search using Duck Duck go does bring up some very telling connections. Look for yourself.

If any of that is remotely true, this makes my case.

For now, you can simply bitch and complain. All of you out there talking about how we need peace and diplomacy just keep it up.

Perhaps you are throwing up your hands and saying “what do we do?”

Communists do not want to compromise. They do not want to agree. They only want to crush and destroy you and anyone else that dissents from their power and love of controlling you and your family.

They will - not - com - pro - mise. Period.

Similar to the Japanese and Hitler in WW2. They will say “sure, that seems good” to your face to get you to back off. They will then do exactly what they promised they wouldn’t.

They gain more and more ground using this very tactic. Until finally the time comes where you simply can do nothing to stop them.

They play on your generosity. They play on your Christianity, on your goodness as an American. They play on your unwillingness to call them what they are. Evil and enemies of freedom.

For to do that would then almost force you to stand up. Doing so would almost force you to actually do something to deal with them.

Sadly, you cannot live peaceably with Communism and Marxism. It must be eradicated at all costs. As history shows, it is no friend to human kind. It is the exact opposite.

Sadder still, far too many of us in America do not see the gravity in our decision to refuse to do so.

It will cost us dearly if we continue to deny what is happening and where we are today.

They are quietly organizing, arming themselves, and training in the background while some of them scream their rhetoric in your faces. They are the diversionary forces.

It may not be for another 20 years. I may be nearing 80, but it is coming. It has been coming since the 60s. My parents generation ushered it in with their incensed hatred of their parents.

Ironically, their hatred for their parents was the exact “victim” mindset communism needed to get a foothold here. (see the Jordan Peterson video below). They hated the very generation that gave them the spoiled brat lifestyle they enjoyed into their 20’s and 30’s. The generation that defeated the Communist and Nazi bastards bent on dominating the world, bringing then, through their grit and hard word one of the most prosperous profitable number of years our country has ever seen.

A few distractors, those diversionary tactics are taking your eye off the army of them building momentum in the background.

Look at our House and Senate. They are actually at this very moment attempting to write laws on the books and hold a trial of “impeachment” in the senate to do the very things Stalin did and that Black Lives Matter “demands” on their own website. Need you see any more?!

And as I said, you are a fool, no, a dumb ass fool to not see it for what it is and in so doing, begin to do what needs to be done to deal with it.

“…fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.” Proverbs 10:21

Those of us that believe in America and it’s founding must embrace the concept that evil is real and it is attempting to exert it’s influence to destroy our freedom.

Marxism is evil. It’s “cause” has murdered millions of humans across the globe. Marxists and Communists are liars. They are evil and as such, they are children of the “father of lies”. Nothing they say can be trusted. Nothing they print and distribute should ever be believed.

Jesus himself says of Satan “He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

It is imperative we accept this truth from Christ and no longer be led astray believing a single word types, printed, spoken or posted from anyone who embraces the concepts of Marxism and it’s off shoot Communism.

Again, you cannot give in to these types. They will never, ever be satisfied. They are fueled by evil masked in “good works”. Study Hitler. Study Stalin. Study Castro. Hitler hated the Marxists, but he was no less evil in his efforts to kill off mankind. If you take the time to really dig into their evil acts you will certainly see their insatiable appetites.

If we do not stop giving in, the lives our our children and grandchildren will be hell. Literal hell. Communists and Marxist lie. It’s their native tongue. History does not.

~rob out

PS Jordan Peterson is one of my favorite speakers who educates on the evils of Communism. This brief video will explain to you clearly how Victimization leads to oppression and genocide. It’s clear as day. I think you will enjoy it. He’s hard to not follow and want to see more of. I love this guy.

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


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