Greed Is Destroying Us
Alright, Charlie, here you go.
Yes, yet again, something has come up which raised my ire.
Charlie said to me yesterday, as we discussed the Clown World Video by Tom MacDonald the following.
“I always wonder what has happened to prompt your latest post. It had to be something”.
There must be a root to what I am writing about.
Yes, he is my friend. One of my closest, so he knows me. Almost as well as my wife and/or kids.
I watched President Trumps full speech at CPAC on Sunday.
What an incredibly stark contrast to Joe “Dark Winter” Biden and his ability or lack thereof to orate. Holy man.
Wanna see what I mean? Click this quick link to a very short story with a Twitter video embedded showing the newly elected leader. Our current leader trying to talk. See Story Here.
Go Ahead. I’ll wait.
(Wheel of Fortune Music playing in my head)
Okay, and welcome back.
Now, when you have time, run ANY 30 second video from last Sundays speech from President Trump.
God help us.
At any rate, let me give you the jist of today’s title.
I liked Trumps speech.
There is one area I vehemently disagree with him.
During the speech he came down pretty hard line on the fact that he believes our children MUST GET BACK TO SCHOOL.
This is the same line most conservatives are now using.
“Get the kids back to school.”
You are all wrong. Including the former president.
All of you.
Here’s how I see it.
Since about the late 1950’s early 60’s the Communist party has been infiltrating our education system.
Communists play the long game, and they are winning in America. They are winning very soundly.
They knew they could slither in and begin their slow, methodical attempt to reeducate the American youth through the school system. Honestly, if you think about it, it’s a brilliant strategy.
Even the simplest in mind among us can clearly see the Marxist influence in every level of education. It started at the higher education level. It is now among even the Kindergarten ages.
They know traditional Marxism would never work. You know, the kind they used to violently overthrow the Ukraine through class warfare. So they have deployed what is known as Cultural Marxism. It is the Karl Marx theories applied to culture. Primarily race and societal inequality. Race and Gender are the primary vehicles being used at the moment.
I don’t wish to provide an education on Cultural Marxism today. There are others much more skilled in this topic. However this is what all of you on the right are complaining about as you lament your children turning into bleeding heart leftists.
They (the children) are being indoctrinated in the schools you are heck bent on sending them back into.
“We need to get involved and change it from within” are statements I now hear.
This may be true. But it is going to take one, if not two full generations of kids going through k-12 to make the necessary changes. If you were to start tomorrow, you have a good 30 years ahead of you.
I don’t see any of you starting tomorrow. Let’s be honest.
You are not going to change it overnight. You cannot simply flip a switch and turn off what amounts to 50 years of slow and deliberate encroachment of the Communist Party and their Marxist theology into our education system.
As such, do you believe it best you keep the kids enrolled while you attempt to try and start the process of changing it?
I would answer no, your kids need to come out and stay out now should you hope to change the course of this problem.
Get them out and begin your process of making changes to the system in your spare time.
It my steadfast belief God himself has stepped up to the plate to provide us remedy to this most serious problem facing our country. I dare say, nothing larger and more problematic surrounds us presently.
And here all of you are looking a gift horse in the mouth and saying “no, go back to that crap”.
I believe that God knows better than any of us. I believe he is allowing this China Virus Government tyranny currently shutting down schools to be the very catalyst to the change we must embrace.
Dealing with this problem is not going to be easy and it will be very, very challenging.
In fact, home schooling will provide a mountain of difficulty to some of you.
However, at times, what God asks of us is not going to be easy. Who am I kidding? Rarely, if ever, is anything He asks of me easy.
Put it another way.
Living under Communist Rule is Hard.
Home Educating your Children to maintain Liberty and Freedom is Hard.
Choose your “hard”.
As things are now in America, I am sorry to report; you are going to have to choose one or the other. You cannot have both. This is the truth of the matter in my mind.
Marxism and the brainwashing of your child is the most serious issue of our time.
According to various historical documents Stalin’s Great Famine in 1932-33 killed over 7,000,000 people in the Ukraine alone…in a SINGLE YEAR!. (And you think you need to be afraid of the China Virus?)
Let me give you a little rundown according to “The Black Book of Communism” published by Harvard University Press in France. This work was carried out by a team of professors and researchers from the National Center for Scientific Research in France. I’ll only provide you the top 10.
Numbers by country:
China: 82 million dead (estimated 20-43 million alone during The Great Leap Forward under Mao in the time period 1959-61)
USSR: more than 21 million dead
North Korea: 4.6 million dead
Vietnam: 3.8 million dead
Cambodia: 2.4 million dead
Afghanistan: 1.5 million dead
Yugoslavia: 1,172,000 dead
Germany: 815,000 dead
Mozambique: 729,000 dead
Ethiopia: 725,000 dead
There isn’t a mask on the planet strong enough to protect you from these kinds of numbers and this very serious kind of threat.
Also take note, America is not in this list. For now.
I have to ask you.
If Hitler’s Brown Shirt program were exposed as running today in the schools and your children were turning into tiny Nazi SS prototypes, turning in parents to the regime, I have a difficult time believing you would all be clamoring to get your kids back into the program.
Would you be insisting that your kids be put back into schools teaching his way? Do you even know your history to know how he launched it and did it?
Yet, here we are. And that’s exactly what’s shaping up to happen.
Man, I just can’t wrap my head around it.
There’s no excuse to be used for keeping your kids out of the indoctrination programs of which they are now a part.
With the news today, certainly I need not go into all the ways their minds are being filled with endless types of evil meant to destroy the fabric of freedom and liberty afforded us living in the United States of America. I am confident you are well aware.
My daughter and I talked some yesterday and she provided me with a number of the reasons folks want to put their kids back into schools.
Bottom line?
Can’t afford to have both parents not working.
And I believe this is driven by a deeply rooted sense of greed.
Currently, most of you, most of us, are in families where both mom and dad are working. They are both working to support their wants.
Not their needs in almost all cases.
Their wants.
Boats, multiple over priced vehicle leases, larger than necessary homes, campers, jet skis, lavish vacations, four wheelers, you name it.
None of these are needs.
They are all wants.
I ask you to show me how a family of 4 “needs” a 5000 plus SF home. Even 2500 SF is overdoing it from a “need” perspective.
Greed is the motivating factor.
I live in a 1440 SF home. There were 4 of us , at one point, 5, residing within and it worked out just fine for us. In fact, it was comfortable and was never at any point “cramped”.
Understand, I am ALL FOR fully realizing anything you can afford in life.
However, kids bring a situation that should require some serious evaluation of your priorities.
It puts a twist to the word “afford”.
What can you afford to lose by keeping them enrolled?
Unfortunately for almost everyone, the concept or idea of one parent staying home to educate them will mean downsizing in life and perhaps going without.
God Forbid that ever happens in this country, right?
“I mean really, if both parents want to work, you can’t be suggesting one work nights and the other work days to keep our stuff and at the same time educate them at home? You can’t be serious Rob, really? Seems harsh!”
That’s exactly what I mean.
You want to keep the stuff? Do what you have to do.
Get rid of the stuff and learn to live on less.
I have news for all of us. Should this not become the priority, it will not be long, perhaps another generation, at best 2, and you will find out just out bad Marxism in full tilt is as you, nearing the end of your life witness the utter poverty, death, and destruction it brings upon your children now adults. Worse yet, their children, your grandchildren.
You will look back with deep regret having spent your adult life pursuing all your wants while you shoveled your kids off to the government funded day care commonly referred to as public schooling. The incubator and greenhouses for the very system of tyranny which will then be running our lives.
Today, we, all of us, you and me, have a choice. The choice, I believe, is being pushed directly by the Lord himself in an attempt to help us to realign our priorities.
I believe, as I have said, He is putting this public school closure directly before us that we might begin to take back the reigns of properly raising and teaching our children.
In so doing, we take our kids minds back from the evil currently corrupting it daily in the school systems of today.
We get back to America as it was.
A place of liberty, freedom, family, and heart. We begin to teach hard work and sacrifice as known and understood by our founders, all the way through to the early 1900’s.
Not a place of greed, selfishness, and in some cases laziness.
Home schooling isn’t easy. But I will tell you something.
The tools available to you today, unavailable to us in the early 90’s when we decided to home school our kids, are amazing, powerful, and eliminate all but the most extreme excuses most use today to justify sending their children into the indoctrination camps they now attend.
The death and destruction of Marxism and all of the evil it creates and causes are undeniable. The truth of it is being masked by those who are currently educating your children along with a government supporting it. (did you get that mask joke there?…completely unintentional…but I laughed when I proofed this).
It is a cancer that once contracted requires radical surgery to exterminate. ( I hope the surgeon wears a mask…okay, I promise, that’s the last mask joke ) Often times the surgery fails I might add. And with it brings mountains of death.
Honestly, I am not really sure we are taking this as seriously as we should.
I have some level of anxiety today because of this issue.
Every challenge in life we face always presents us with opportunity to overcome. Something good can come from the adversity.
Today, we are looking down the barrel of a Tank Cannon called Marxism. It’s aimed squarely at us and there are tank operators anxiously waiting to pull the trigger.
The future is resting upon the decisions we make today pondering it’s defeat.
Am I wrong here?
What is stopping you as a parent from taking this leap of faith?
If you are a grandparent, are you encouraging your kids in this direction?
Or are we lost as a nation entirely?
This is not a matter to be taken lightly any longer.
If greed and the insatiable desire to have all that we want is not curbed and brought under control, we only have ourselves to blame if America ends up in the list above.
It happened with the largest offenders in very quick time. In short order, a year or a little more, millions and millions were dead.
Abraham Lincoln believed we could never be destroyed from outside. He believe if we are to be destroyed, it will be by our own hand from within.
We are seeing it today before our very eyes.
Marxism is gaining ground quickly.
We are not immune.
~rob out