Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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If God’s In It

Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God,  will be repaid many times over in this life, and will have eternal life in the world to come.

Today, these words from Jesus take on new meaning.

For 60 days I have not been going to the flower shop. I haven’t been going to the flower shop because I sold the flower shop.

Why have I sold the flower shop?

I’ve sold the flower shop because I believe the time has come for me to step out and take a leap of faith; to try and do what I believe I am called to do.

I believe I am called to live a life that shares with others leadership, encouragement and how to live at peace with God.

The flower shop and being in the flower business has, in my view, held me back.

It has held me back because I have let it be and used it as a crutch.

I went into the flower business because it was an easy path. It was the path of least resistance in my early years. A lazy pursuit. A comfortable pursuit. And it has been costly.

My parents did the best they could with what they had. From what I remember, not that this is bad on anyone’s part, but in growing up there wasn’t much talk among our family about what we are called to do in life; in particular what God might be expecting from our life. From what I recall, we weren’t led much related to God’s calling in each of our lives.

I didn’t pursue college (thank the Lord) and instead simply kept going to work for my dad at his flower shop. Eventually, following a path that led me to where I am today.

It’s been a very difficult road. Not a road filled with grand successes, but instead a road filled with barely get by.

I mean, that’s alright. The challenges I have faced make me who I am today (not that I'm something special or anything). But I have a good life overall. God has, in my lack of faith living, taken care of us, no doubt. It’s an ever ongoing process of sanctification. A making better and better all the time.

A few years back, I think when the Coronavirus garbage (tyranny always sucks) started, I really gave up in many respect mentally. It was during that “phase” I thought “there has to be something else”.

Then, the building we rented space in sold and rent went up. Way up. Another blow.

I made the decision then (Mother’s Day 2022) to sell or close up shop come Valentine’s Day 2023. (If you haven’t pieced it together, when you’re in the flower business, life revolves and is clocked by the major holidays. They are the reference points of time in the life of a florist)

I listed the shop for sale priced to sell. It would be a steal for anyone that may have wished to own a shop.

As the listing was set to expire, the woman who owns it now came along. We did the deal, simply, clean, and easy. God was in it.


I have no idea what I am going to do.

Well, I do in some respect. My parents need my help in the north. That’s on the radar but not before I head out for a number of months searching, listening, walking on paths unknown, yet to be forged.

I have spent the last 60 days building out and readying the little “square drop” camper we purchased last September. I have built out the Toyota Sequoia so that Watson, our dog can travel with us.

On May 15th, we are going to hit the road, living off our savings for a series of months as we search out the path the Lord has for us. Us being yours truly and the Italian Princess, Joelle.

Neither of us has a clue what this will bring.

I do know, however, that God’s in it. Well, at least I am trusting and believing that he’s in it.

My friend Don Cousins has a lot of what we call Don Cousinisms. He’s fond of saying “Faith honors God and God honors faith.”

Don Cousins was a founding member of the once mighty Willow Creek Church in Chicago. He left that position 17 years (if I remember the story right) after it started. He left not knowing what he would do next. He knew only that God said to him, “it’s time to leave”.

Don Cousins' story is the story which has been one of the most influential stories I’ve yet to hear driving me toward this new pathway.

When we closed the deal on the flower shop my daughter sent me a link to one of my favorite Newsboys songs. Lord (I don’t know)

“Lord, I don't know where all this is going
Or how it all works out
Lead me to peace that is past understanding
A peace beyond all doubt

You are the God of tomorrow
Turning the darkness to dawn
Lifting the hopeless with hope to go on
You are the rock of all salvation”

I do not know where all this is going, but I do know that the Lord is giving me a peace that is past understanding. Jesus’ words above today have reminded me in my study that indeed, when I make a choice rooted entirely in faith as this one is, he will show up.

This move is bigger than when I left my family and moved From Lansing MI to Grand Rapids to work…

This move is bigger than when I went back to work for my family…

This move is bigger than when I went out on my own and purchased a shop in Flint…

This move is bigger than when I left Flint and moved our family to Florida having no idea at all how it would end up…(and until now, this was by far the biggest one)

This is the biggest move I have ever made.

What makes it more important, more crucial, more critical than those which have come before is that in this one, I have thrown up my hands and am saying to the Lord…

“I’m doing this because I think I hear your voice calling me to do so. So, this one’s on you. Totally on you. I have no clue what’s going on and what you’re doing, but I’m finally going to step out and try and make sense of that dream in 1995 when you came to me in the night to give me your word. I have run from it long enough. You said that if I give up everything in a move of faith to truly pursue you, I will be repaid many times over not only in this life, but with eternal life in the world to come.”

That sounds better to me than what I have been able to do with life on my own.

Honestly, there’s a peace, like a peace that I can’t explain in this one. I think because it’s so big that I have to let Him handle it.

And you know what?

If it doesn’t work out I can always blame Don Cousins.

Stay tuned and look us up on Youtube and Instagram (see the social media link icons on this site). This entire multi month road trip adventure will be cataloged and vlogged on both. I would like for my adventure to give you some inspiration and motivation.

rob out