Wrong Directions
Explore the story of Abraham and Lot's separation in Genesis 13, where Lot's selfish choice to settle in the fertile Jordan Valley reveals key lessons about priorities, faith, and God's provision. This article examines the contrasts between Lot's self-interest and Abraham's trust in God, offering insights for making wise, selfless decisions in today's world.

The Irony of Gimmicks
Gimmicks. They never work.
Yet, the American is constantly on the lookout for a way to avoid effort, or so it would seem.
Hence we are a country full of enterprises promising easy fixes to any number of our problems.
Yet, we deny the easiest fix of all!

Help from Subscribers?
I’m considering some upgrades and changes to my site. I now have the option to add a Members Only section to the site.
However, this will come with a cost. I am looking for input through this post, from you, as one of our subscribers as to how and what you might see at valuable to be added. Please read on and if you feel compelled, give me some of your insight into the matter!

14 Days in Golden Canyon
A see you later for the Golden Canyon in Arizona.
We spent 14 nights in the Golden Canyon area of Arizona, just east of Phoenix.
It was a lovely, although dusty, time meeting some great new friends and learning a number of things related to our experiences out here.

Courage to Stand
Do you have the level of courage necessary to stand in the face of opposition?
Life is full of hard choices. Many of the choices revolve around “fitting in” or going it alone.
Often, it’s the going it alone part that is required to be more like Jesus.

Elephant Butte
The work on the road has begun and as I find my way along this journey, I am starting to find a system in my day to day workflow.
While staying in the Elephant Butte area, I have been treated to some fairly pretty skies at night and in the morning. I thought i’d share them with you.

Lacking No Good Thing
I found myself in Psalm 34 today. I had a note next to verse 10…from 3.5 years ago.
This led me to reflect on how wrong our country and the world went and contrasted that to how I chose to respond and what I believe are the blessings which followed because of my choices.
I made a video to answer a subscribers questions and it happened to dovetail nicely with this verse.

Good Gifts
You might be missing out in life because you haven’t asked.
Jesus encourages us to ask God for blessing. Yes, he really does, contrary to what you might believe or may have heard from religious leaders, the God of Heaven actually is interested in giving you good gifts in order to bless your life.
Doubt it? Read on.

New Mexico
I’m sitting at my workstation in the RV typing and editing video. Fully functional and totally “off grid”. It’s pretty neat so far and I felt it was time to give everyone an update.

Take a Rest
Pain and hurt. Life brings it and brings it often. As we struggle with these things we can find peace if we look. Let me share with you why being out in the wild doing photography of the Milky Way helps me gain perspective and peace in the struggles of life.