Be Careful What You’re Sellin’
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Be Careful What You’re Sellin’

On Saturday of last week, my wife, Joelle, sent me a link to an article on Foxnews. In it, the writer reports on a story about a Pastor in Missouri.

He has been suspended by the General Baptist Ministries Association and is currently undergoing “counseling”. Read- Reeducation.

Should you wish to see the story, and even watch the sermon bringing the wrath of the “woke” you can do so here.

This gentleman stands on a lot of nerves in this sermon. Some of which is not wrong. If you read my post on Gluttony, you will see in certain respects I agree with him.

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Losing In Life
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Losing In Life

Life can really suck the wind out of us, can’t it?

I know there are a lot of people around preaching “your happiness isn’t circumstantial”. Yeah, I know. They are right…I guess.

Pain is pain regardless. It ain’t no happy time when you go through pain. It is a real drag.

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