Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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It’s Time for Gun Legislation!


How are ya’?

Me? I’ve been working my rear end off installing a brand new rather large cooler in our flower shop. We turned it on yesterday. It’s something.

It’s a dream realized. A dream I have had for over 10 years. Finally. It’s accomplished. It’s finished!

What is it about achieving a success in something we have longed to see happen for such a lengthy period in years?

Not sure, but it’s great.

Anyway, I am not watching the news any more. What’s taking place since the election is madness.

The news isn’t news. It’s jaded, one sided, gibberish.

Hypocrisy and double standards are so rampant, I simply can’t take it. So I don’t watch.

I read something in passing. Apparently there has been another shooting in the country. Someone shot up something that had to do with Asians?

Then, if I read it properly, someone went in and shot up a grocery store in Boulder? Ironically, one of the most liberal, restrictive cities in the nation.

Funny to me how liberal restrictions don’t ever work. Their regulations only empower the bad people while putting the good people in proverbial cages.

I guess now we have to do some more hate crime legislation because the Asians are now heaped into the pile the victimhood society Critical Race Theory promotes?

And naturally front and center, are new calls for massive gun legislation and restriction.

What’s new?

I’ll tell ya what fries my brain some.

Right wingers, conservatives, all up in arms about this.

You would think this is something new. Like aliens have invaded and are attempting to eradicate all guns.

“They are coming for ALL THE GUNS!!!”.


Whenever the libs gain power, this is always something they begin to press on. Whip up some kind of shooting (and let’s ignore all the heroic life saving events involving guns around the nation or stats which prove it’s the criminals causing the gun problems, not us law abiders).

Nope, we need more laws to enforce.

Question. Where does a bad guy go to shoot a lot of people?

Generally, it’s where the law abiding can’t have guns.

Schools, hospitals, government buildings.

“No Gun’s Allowed” Secret Code for the malcontents. “Shoot here”.

These idiotic signs posted on buildings are nothing more than a gold plated invitation for bad seeds bent on hurting masses of people.

Or…maybe…these evil humans see the sign and think…”Oh, Gee, okay, well, I better find somewhere they allow the guns under my coat which I am wearing right now, most of which obtained illegally, to kill as many people as I can at one time.”


Those of you on the right, why do you act such fools?

All aghast over these new calls to take away guns.

Mandatory Federal Buy Backs.

Buy Back?

Government forcing it’s people to “sell” them their guns using money it took from the people through taxes?

Who falls for this crap?

I’ll tell you who.

People like one of my older friends. Not older physically, just from days gone by.

He loved Gordon Liddy “back in the day”. He was a staunch conservative.


Flaming lib.

Hates America and believes it’s founding was horrifically wrong and evil. He’s one of the 1619 Project Orgasm crowd. Well, he may not be a card carrying member, but he has espoused their puke to me on more than one occasion.

“Yeah, why does anyone in the society NEED a gun that holds 30 rounds of high powered ammo anyway?”

“All that Constitution crap was written by a bunch of Rich White Slave Owners. Hardly worth the paper it’s written on”.

Wait, WHAT? WTF?


Who has fought to keep slavery going and legal for the past 200 years?

Who keeps putting forth programs based solely on race?

Who keeps putting forth legislation that actually keeps the blacks in various forms of bondage and slavery?

Are you crappin’ me man?

You can’t be serious? You can’t see any of the above?

Holy Man!

I was dumbfounded.

That brings me to the closing of this little bitching rant.

Folks, NONE of ANY of you should be surprised to see the new calls for radical gun laws and restrictions.

I am really tired of you acting like you are shocked.

Here’s a quick lesson for all of you.

We have the 2nd Amendment in the US Constitution for one reason and one reason only.

To keep Tyrants at bay. To keep tyranny and despotism in check.

When the population at large lives in liberty and freedom, it’s difficult for a Tyrant, say, like Gretchen Whitmer or Gavin Newsome to fully impose their Tyranny because well, those with guns could ultimately, if the situation required, “take em out”.

Not that I am suggesting for the moment that she or he need be killed.

However, the 2nd amendment gives us the ability to keep them in check, using physical, armed force if ultimately necessary.

Who always calls for gun control, restrictions, confiscations, limitations?

The very same people who are keeping their subjects or citizenry in a state of lockdown or masked, or restricted. All under the fake guise of a killer virus killing off the entire world. (No, I do NOT think the virus is fake. I think the radical promotion of it’s severity is.)

(Fauci is making crap up now, just pulling stuff out of thin air in an effort to support imposing more and more “stay at home” orders)

Based on what?

A false promise of safety.

Libs (Tyrants) always use “Keeping you Safe” as their excuse to restrict your freedoms and control your lives.

Yet, nothing they do works.

Their cities, counties and states are the most crime riddled, miserable places to reside in our nation.

This stupid virus has shown who is who and what they will do.

Who believes in the freedom of man and who thinks they know better for man than man himself.

Bottom line?

They want total and utter control of your and my life. Period.

They want to tell you what to do, when to do it, with whom you will do it and how.

For God’s sake, just look across the 50 states.

Naturally, standing in their way are those of us with a number of guns and a lot of ammunition.

Guns that can keep up with most any of their attempts to put us down (hence the late rebuttal to my friend’s “who needs…” question above).

275 million of them or so to be exact.

Heck, I even have a friend who owns a military Hummer and another that owns a souped up Grizzly MRAP.

No we can’t compete with Tanks, Nukes, 50 Cals and the like. But we can get dang close.

I just don’t ever see our military turning on us. Too many of them are like us.

And even if they did, remember. We beat the Brits in 1776. That should never have happened. As a people, we are infinitely better equipped to kill large swaths of humans bent on stealing our way of life from us than our founders were in the late 1700’s.

We are free.

God loves liberty.

God loves us.

The United States was Providential in it’s founding.

Too many of us for them to win.

Ain’t gonna happen.

So for crying out loud.

Enough already acting surprise.

Tyrants will always try and take the guns. The guns are the only thing standing in their way of full on control of you, me, and our kids.

I won’t give mine up.

I suspect if you are a law abiding citizen who owns firearms, you won’t either.

The Constitution dang near requires us to be armed.

It’s for a good reason.

This past year has shown us this very fact.

Simple as I can put it.

-Liberals want to restrict and control you and as much of your life as possible.

-Guns stop them from being able to do so.


What say you?

Hate guns?

Think only the government and law enforcement (the man) should have them?


Do you fret this?

Or do you just keep buying, collecting, amassing?

~rob out

PS Why can’t libs see their insanity? On one hand, they generally hate “the man”, yet, they propose and promote only “the man” being the one with the strong hand (IE owning guns). Why do they trust the government so? Is it a lack of understanding history and how regimes have worked over the course of time?