10 Rounds
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

10 Rounds

10 rounds of ammunition seems to solve it all as far as the liberals are concerned regarding gun control.

I was watching a recently released debate Ben Shapiro was having with Piers Morgan. In it, they re-hash their gun debate from a number of years ago.

Should you want to seem them debating government and gun control, you can watch it at the end of this post.

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It’s Time for Gun Legislation!
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

It’s Time for Gun Legislation!


How are ya’?

Me? I’ve been working my rear end off installing a brand new rather large cooler in our flower shop. We turned it on yesterday. It’s something.

It’s a dream realized. A dream I have had for over 10 years. Finally. It’s accomplished. It’s realized.

What is it about realizing a success in something we have longed to see happen for such a lengthy period in years?

Not sure, but it’s great.

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