Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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“I Have Nothing To Hide”

Sure you do. You just aren’t thinking about it properly.

“I have nothing to hide” is one of the most commonly heard statements that those of you still using Social Media will exclaim when those of us with a Tech background warn you about what is coming down the pike.

BTW, for those of you that may not know, I actually have some tech certification in the computer world in my background.

This post, which of course goes out in email, is to point out a few areas that you are vulnerable to the government looking into your lives in ways that you may not be comfortable with and in ways that you may not even realize.

First, quick update.

I am 1 full week off Amazon. I have bought nothing from Jeff Bezos’ company. However, I have needed things that I could only purchase on line.

Guess what!

I bought EVERYTHING I needed with NO PROBLEMS from other sources. Again, Good Bye Amazon!

I have heard that Biden came out hard today and is pushing this whole “Dark Winter” theme. In fact, I believe he may have said the “Darkest Times America has Ever Faced” and he will bring Light back into it.

You may seem surprised, but you shouldn’t be. You shouldn’t be at all.

Fear. You remember what I said about fear?

Fear is the only way Tyranny controls your life. It’s the absolute only way Tyranny stands. It’s what Evil uses to keep you in it’s clutches.

Diversion here. I present to you my Tyranny example by real life occurrence.

A child is molested, yet never turns the perpetrator in. Why not? Fear.

The abuser is a tyrant using fear to control the actions of the child who is living terrified all the time.

The child knows and senses that what is happening to them over and over is wrong. However at their young age, in their immaturity of thought, the adult, is to be trusted. The child by instinct feels odd. But the adult, who the child thinks can be trusted, says that what is happening is

A) Normal


B) No one can ever find out. “If you tell your parents, VERY BAD things can happen to them” is a common attack.

So the child goes along with this abuse because they believe it must be right, although in their gut, they suspect otherwise.

The authority in their life (because in most cases the molester or rapist is someone they know and SHOULD be able to trust). You know. Mother, brother, uncle, aunt, sister, father, teacher, pastor. You get the drift.

Sound vaguely familiar to you?

It sure does to me.

Dark Winter, Trust Us, Don’t Rebel. No matter what your gut tells you, no matter how our stories have changed countless times, do what we tell you, no matter how much it hurts.

“If you don’t, very bad things can and may in fact happen.” “You’re grandparents may suffer and die at your hand.”

“Help us to help you. Just do what we say. Obey us. We only mean you well.”

(It is utterly amazing to me what they have been able to manufacture and do with their incessant hammering of fear in to the minds of the human population in America and the world over a virus that has a 99.75% or greater survival rate.)

Exactly the same technique as the rapist or abuser.

Curse word alert. Shield your eyes should you be offended.

Proper response?

“No”……..“Oh, and F’ YOU, Mother F’er!”

Okay, that’s over. Sorry.

I regret having to report it, but this is the only way to deal with evil in your life.

For me, that particular series of words in that exact order, wakes up my “I’m gonna beat your ass if you hurt anyone near me” warrior when it needs to be woken up. (Ask my wife…or kids…or anyone on the blunt end of that stick)

It’s not often, but there are times that in fact it does rain out.

This mission I have right now to convince even just one more person to leave Amazon, leave Facebook, leave Instagram as part of that fight I want to engage.

Let’s address the opening statement.

“I've nothing to hide”.

Alright. Let’s evaluate it.

Facebook and Instagram both are able to collect infinite amounts of data about you.

They know where you live.

Where you work.

Where you eat.

What you eat.

Who you eat with.

Where you go…all the time 24/7.

They know who you know. They identify you with specific people.

When you share pictures, they know where you are, who’s in the photos with you, and what you were doing in large part.

If’ you’ve agreed to the latest Instagram Terms of Service they are capturing, storing and using everything on your phone. EVERYTHING. Nothing is off limits to them.

Get it?

Okay, that establishes the precedent for my next “Oh Yeah" moment.

Marxism has no tolerance and no room for God. It’s emphatically important to Marxism and any variant thereof to get rid of God entirely.

For the “state” to rule fully, there can be NO church, no God, no gathering.

In case you aren’t a student of history, or hell, if you don’t understand how prisons in the world work, the goal and the major undertaking is to keep everyone separated.

Keep them separated and provide for them only a single source of information flow. Crush and destroy and disallow any and all variants of information that are not state approved.

This is how China works. It’s how every despotic leadership works. If you don’t understand, believe, or know this, you are an idiot of the first degree. I’m sorry but you really are.

Prisons keep prisoners separated in large part to control them and their ability to mutiny or organize.

This is a critical component of government control of a tyrannical nature being implemented.

Create fear among a large group of people.

Use this fear and the promotion of it with relentless, repetitive messages to get them to agree to demands.

In these demands do the best you can to isolate them. Keep them separate from those they are close to, particularly keep them away from anyone that may in fact shed light on the lie (Morpheus Meeting Neo…in one of the greatest movies of all time…The Matrix). Hunt them down, censor them, and yes, as in Stalin’s Day, Mao’s Day, Casto’s Day (I could go on), kill them.

Find ways to disrupt their abilities to communicate with large groups.

Find a way to isolate and monopolize the flow of information they are getting so that it is only giving them what you want them to hear and understand.

One of the single most important tasks then for them is to isolate you, keep you apart, and feed you information that supports their cause, which continues to stoke the fear you feel, which compels you to obey. Even if it goes against your gut. Even if it seems wrong.

Let us then say, and there is no question here, that governments who wish to control, need to eradicate God. (which they have been doing for the last 30 years in Americas’ schools and government institutions)

They are now moving toward the personal levels.


Using a virus, largely promoted with lies and propaganda and falsified figures, many of these racial states are STILL restricting attending worship services or church to any degree.

So you’re not doing anything wrong?

Ahh. I see. What, then, like in a number of states, is your answer when you decide to go to church, yet church isn’t really allowed?

Now…you are doing something wrong.

Not wrong according to the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


BUT you ARE doing something wrong in the mind and rules of say, for example, Governor Gavin Newsome of California, and a host of other states.

Now you are doing something wrong.

And guess what.

Facebook knows you’re there. Instagram knows your there. Twitter knows you’re there.

The government doesn’t want you there.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are working hand in hand with outside influences to censor and ban all things opposite in belief to that of the incoming administration.

You have, in them, clearly now with the overtly obvious efforts on their parts, all of them, to shut down dissenting views, a single source of information flow, all of which feeds the same stream of information. (Watch 1984…the movie…you’ll get it. 1984 was Orwell’s fictional recounting of his experience watching Stalin’s Russia…in other words, that crap happened).

And you think, really, that you live a clean life?

Not if you are in opposition to their demands; masks, social separation, staying home, keeping your business closed and so on.

These tools can, will be, and even are now being used to build data of your comings and goings and all that you are doing, buying, watching. They are now talking of building and using what is called Social Media scores to work to limit or free you. What you do, where you go, what you buy. (Exactly what China does in it’s Social Scoring of citizens. You are removed from society if you don’t meet the appropriate scores…and that should scare the hell out of you quite frankly).

You are voluntarily handing it to them.

And I am not convinced that is a good idea.

No, in fact, I am convinced it is a HORRIBLE idea.

Addiction is funny that way though.

We believe that we aren’t addicted.

Yes you are.

And you need help, because what you are participating in through these platforms, like any other addiction, may in fact be your ultimate ruin.

~ rob out.

PS Facebook, IG, and Twitter addiction are most closely related to and linked to the same impulses and desires that Gambling and the subsequent addiction it causes create. The behavior modification experts and engineers knew this and built the platforms on that very model. Yes. They did. It’s absolutely fact.

Good Luck with that.

PPS Before 1998, I lived a beautiful life, free from distraction and the lure of dopamine release provide now through behavioral modification algorithms created by social engineers and architects at these giants. I am happy to have released myself from their grip. Life has become so much more beautiful again. I’d love to see you find this same peace and calm.