Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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The Orlando Skyline

Panorama of City Hall Orlando Florida

Photographing Panoramic Concepts across the Orlando Skyline

I have fallen addicted to producing panoramic photographs using my Mavic Air 2s. The capability of this drone by DJI has become something of which I sit in complete awe.

The way this drone can capture almost any scenario from whatever elevation I choose is amazing.

God has blessed me so much. This is what I am struck with as I fly my little portable DJI Mavic Air2s Camera around taking all these photographs.

I have spent the past week getting up at 4am to travel to downtown Orlando. As I work to produce the video product of the Orlando area in 4k, I have started shooting panoramic photographs of the Orlando downtown skyline.

I have been “chasing the sun” so to speak as I travel at 4am to arrive at 5am in order to wait on the sun to come up over Lake Eola and the Orlando skyline.

As of yet, I have NOT nailed the perfect sunrise at the perfect location from the perfect angle over Lake Eola (shooting facing west). But it’s coming.

In the interim, I HAVE shot some amazing panoramas that I want to share with you now.

Actually, these are for my family. Joelle my wife, my daughter, Elise, and my son, Levi. All of whom enjoy my adventures and what I shoot and share.

My son is coming in to visit this weekend from North Florida. He’s tired from his drive and on the phone a few hours back, I promised him I would post the photos I took THIS MORNING downtown so he could view them…relax…and then get some sleep.

I hope to heck these photos bless you. I hope they provide even a LITTLE bit of enjoyment as you view them. For I will say, photographing this way, at this hour, all alone, downtown, is like heaven to me.

It’s a little joy that the Lord has allowed me to enjoy. I owe it to you to share. Click on ANY of the images to see it full size.

See you soon.

Until the next time,

rob out.