Tyranny of The Dollar
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Tyranny of The Dollar

I recently sat down and watched the movie Nomadland. A friend or ours recommended it.

It’s an interesting tale of a woman who chooses to head out to live in a van.

The movie includes a real life Youtube Persona named Bob Wells. Bob seems like a great guy! I enjoy and am a subscriber to his channel.

Bob is known for his beliefs on the Tyranny of The Dollar. He even, in the movie references this belief of his. I’d like to share my thoughts not only about the movie but how I believe Jesus talks directly to this way of belief and life.

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Faith 104
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

Faith 104

I found myself in Psalm 104 today and was reminded of how magnificent it is to be in the far out places in America to embrace God’s magnificent creative capability.

This then brought me to thoughts of how lacking in Faith in Him causes man (you and me) to do and believe some pretty silly things, not the least of which is the so called “Climate Crisis” we are now having.

I thought it appropriate then to dissect this train of thinking through the lens of God’s power in his word.

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