If In Doubt
Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony Rob Thoughts Robert Anthony

If In Doubt

There are so many among us today in the Christian world who seem to believe they have the corner on salvation.

It seems they have assigned themselves the responsibility of being the gatekeepers here on earth governing who and who will not gain entrance to heaven when they die.

These Christians among us stress and “worry” over the salvation of others using as their primary motivation Matthew 7 where Jesus talks about the narrow gate, the bearing of fruit and the false teachers and “wolves” among us.

I want to dissect this a little bit and in the event you have encountered one of these types, or perhaps even ARE one of these types, provide some of my own personal thought and insight on the topic in an effort to provide hope and assurance to anyone who now doubts their salvation.

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Climbing God’s Mountain
Robert Anthony Robert Anthony

Climbing God’s Mountain

This morning I have found myself very distracted and unable to concentrate as I have tried to read my bible.

The Chuck Swindol devotional I am reading referenced this scripture. When I read it, a number of thoughts went through my mind. Thoughts that I wanted to write out on this blog.

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