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Please…stop being lukewarm

"So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

I think it's long overdue that there is a real fire lit to expose the bad metal and the good metal.

When the president was elected, I think he was chosen to be used to lite that fire.

I was a little bothered yesterday by a post denouncing the Christian folk who support the president. I'm not going to get into why, but I do want to pen a bit of a thought about it and also offer a little encouragement to you.

Evil has always been present in our world. In America, the evils have been ramped up to levels I can't believe. There are things being sold and billed as "normal" that I never thought I would see.

In large part, I blame the weak Christians that sit around talking about their theology and pine in their educated themes, while remaining too immersed in their lukewarm beliefs to call it out for what it is.

Tolerance and acceptance are the words of the day. These same educated elites are likely the people bringing the debate of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality into the church for a serious discussion.

You dumb ass fools. Why don't you just invite Satan himself to the table for coffee and tea with donuts?

There does come a time when you call evil for what it is. Period.

Part of what the president appeals to in the Christians that believe in him as a leader is the fact that he has no qualms about calling evil evil. He is hot in his approach. He is pushing back in ways that the church should have been pushing back decades ago when the puke we now see invading our schools, cities, and states, was becoming more and more prolific. I know there are a few out there doing it now and have been, but we have needed a leader at the highest level to join the cause.

We are now in a place where one of the most evil crimes on humanity is attempting to invade our country (well, it has been, but it's making it's move now more strongly than ever). That being Karl Marxs' beliefs and ideology. China is at our shores, in our country infiltrating our institutions as they continue the long game of takeover.

Satan hates freedom, because to be free means we can choose to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in freedom. Satan loves oppression because he can crush your ability to worship freely.

For years, we have had weak pastors, weak government leaders, and corrupt men and women at the highest levels.

Here comes a man who has no problem whatsoever tearing this down, publicly, like we should have been doing long ago. He has nothing to lose in doing so, as most politically elected leaders have in the past. And he is hated by many because of it.

No, all your talk of civility (when convenient to your cause) is bunk. There comes a time when the people of this great land must turn up the heat. Get hot or stay cold.

That lukewarm crap is WHY we are here today.

Americans (American Christians) have become very comfortable in their lives and their living to want to really get messy and do the work of fighting back against these evils. They have become lukewarm and complacent while the enemy has worked to slowly infiltrate generations of minds.

These people believe that they are living righteously in their calls for "civility" and "tolerance".

They fear rejection from culture. From society.

However, just like you see now with the evil leaders oppressing Americans with edicts they do not live by themselves, so too, civility and tolerance is only practiced if you are IN LINE WITH THEIR BELIEFS.

If you are not, well, watch out.

I think that out of this last number of years, and in particular this election and it's unbelievable outcome, you are seeing a galvanization that has been needed for some time.

You are seeing the people that support an enemy of America (Socialism and Marxism) and you are seeing a subtle rise of the same type of Patriot that would have voluntarily put their lives on the line to fight the Germans or the Japanese for freedom to reign. Two of the most evil regimes to walk the earth at their respective times.

While the lukewarm among us would like us to believe that we are nuts or crazy for declaring our allegiance, I am happy to leave them behind to fight the fight of freedom for what I believe is and will remain the greatest country on earth.

If a leader is fighting evil, if he is fighting against tyranny, (both of which are godly battles to wage), I believe we must do our part to join the battle to win.

If a leader wishes to continue to push the forces of darkness and depravity, we are called by the Lord himself to fight back and do what needs to be done, to stand where we need to stand, in order to keep these evils from destroying our land.

I am reminded of Mel Gibson's "The Patriot". The British were killing us militarily. They used this same bulls@#$ argument that we had to fight civilly, whatever the hell that's supposed to look like.

We won...because we said to hell with your rules (rules that obviously favored them).

We must stop this idiocy that we attempt to sell now. It's lukewarm. It's trying to fight by the enemy's rules, like in the Revolution that gave us our freedom.

It wasn't until we decided to really win, to get hot, that we eventually gained independence. (well that and the help of France).

At any rate, this current time in history is a time where I believe the Lord shines his light brightly upon us to expose who's hot, who's cold, and who's lukewarm.

Choose wisely.