People Said

People said I was crazy at the beginning of this governmental coup.

They said, when I talked with them, I was way far out in my thoughts of March, 2020.

Sadly, just about everything I said would happen did…in my “conspiracy theory” mind.

Most of what I purported to see, that which others said I was nuts to believe, is happening.

The latest bit of news that the rat bastard chump, the one the leftists worship, Godman Fauci sent American money to help formulate this virus in a Wuhan lab.

Gain Of Function it’s called.

As I understand it…a method used to weaponize a virus.

It’s what he did.

It’s what happened.

They have lied about everything. Yes, I WAS RIGHT about ALL OF IT.

David Icke, the Lizard People Man…he was right.

Alex Jones. He was right.

So now, these liars, these cheats, these tyrants are suggesting that the population take a “vaccine” to stop what they knowingly funded, started, and promoted through lies, fear, and propaganda.

I know a number of people who have chosen to accept this and inject whatever the potion is.

I hope that I am wrong, but I have a sadly eerie feeling that we might be on the cusp of something, some kind of scenario portrayed in Wil Smith’s “I Am Legend”.

Humans will do just about anything when they are afraid. Particularly if they are afraid of death, pain, or illness.

They will trust the wrong people.

They will be convinced to do things they otherwise would not.

A planet of death and eerily sick humans is something I hope TO be wrong about.

But the way these people like Fauci have lied, the way they have formulated this entire scheme, I will not be surprised if indeed it does become as that movie.

Time alone will tell.

In that movie, it didn’t happen overnight. It was a few years.

If you have injected whatever it is they have manufactured…well…I hope I am wrong.

If you haven’t…in my opinion…don’t.

~rob out

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.

A Test of My Resolve and Faith


Number 22!