Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Our Time is Brief

I thought today it would be interesting to type out my thoughts that I would otherwise journal. Hopefully it will provide a bit of encouragement to someone.

I have recently come to an agreement with the church we attend, Discovery Church Orlando, to provide for them all of my video content; in particular the Drone Video. This content will be for their use on the big screen up front during the worship sets. I have so much content it took better than a week to load it all to their servers.

Upon meeting and discussing their needs, it came to light that while I have a lot of great content, more could be gathered. In particular, more 4k. Most of my previous work has been in HD. 4k is even better.

Further, the church, or churches if this were to go national, likes to have 90 second to two minute clips. Most of mine cap off at about 30-45 seconds. They can use it but longer is better.

So, this is my first project to tackle once I get the flower shop squared away.

I have been across this nation of ours. Last year logging over 21,000 miles (see my new video release below).

As the gentleman in charge of this content with Discovery began going through it finally yesterday, I received a number of message from him via text. The content of which was basically

A) There’s so much content in there it’s difficult to even decide what to use (a good problem to have)

B) He was overwhelmed by God’s majesty and creative works and how that same creator created him and knows him deeply.

Yeah. My thoughts exactly.

I’d like to spend the rest of my life doing nothing but gathering photographs and video content to put together for the world to view and embrace. Things that we can all look at and wonder at it’s magnificence and utter beauty. The grand scale of which we can not fully comprehend. Perhaps give talks to folks willing to listen of my observations in a large group setting while displaying my work.

I am happy that our church has taken me up on my proposal to provide this content for them to use for absolutely free. It will be my hope that nationally speaking, other churches can begin to use the content as well.

Reviewing so much content to put together the most recent video I was reminded of just how big God is and how special it has been to do and see all I have over the past 3 years, with hopes to continue to do so should He see fit.

“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered—
how fleeting my life is.
You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you;
at best, each of us is but a breath.” Psalm 39:4-5

This series of verses always gives me pause to think. We strive to save, amass, and extend our lives through in some cases exercise, in other cased medicine. Yet, it’s clear. In the grand scheme of things, my time, your time, it’s very short.

I need those reminders. Traveling as I have, standing under the giant Sequoia or at the edge of a Canyon, or under the black as tar sky observing the Milky Way in the middle of the desert somewhere, I am always reminded of just how brief, just how short that time is.

How about you?

The Lord has the light switch of our lives in his hand. Nothing you or I will do is going to extend the time and span of our lives or the day in which he decides to shut that switch off. I can fool myself into believing I have somehow taken control of that switch, but I have not.

And this fact gives me concern over what then I am going to do about it.

rob out