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Living Impactfully

What Rush Limbaugh Meant to Me

It was the very early 1990’s. My then wife’s mother discussed this man called Rush Limbaugh. Someone she had listened to on WOOD Radio in Grand Rapids Michigan.

Who was this man with such an odd first name?

I would find out.

My children were very young. It was the very early 90’s and I began my journey with “America’s Anchorman” Rush Limbaugh.

I remember well listening to Rush talk to his Grandfather at times. A wonderful incredibly old practicing attorney.

I remember a few calls with his mother, bless her soul. The pride she had for her little Rusty.

I remember when he lost his hearing; and the subsequent addiction to pain killers that took him off air for a period of weeks/months.

I remember the stories he told of all he learned in his treatment program to get off the opioids. The power of which I fully understand as I watched them take the life of one of my own family members.

I remember the day well when he announced he was diagnosed with the cancer that would ultimately end his life last week Wednesday.

I will never forget that day last week. Again, I was anxiously hoping he would be back on the air. A voice to offer some level of encouragement in these challenging days we find ourselves. I began to develop some concern as a much longer period of time had passed since he was last on. Much longer than had become “usual” following what we would all learn to call a “treatment week”.

I set out on the road to make a flower delivery to 817 Bill Beck Blvd, the Osceola County School District building, shortly before noon.

By the time I had reached the parking lot of the building, the all too familiar rift from Chrissy Hynde’s Pretenders “My City Was Gone”, the epic theme opener for the Rush Limbaugh program was streaming.

When I heard his wife Kathryn’s voice across the speakers, I knew, in a split second in time, that the man who brought us so much for so long, who had an incredibly profound impact on my own life, the trajectory changed forever due to his influence, was gone.

Given the parameters, I found sadness. But similar to the day I learned my mentor and closest friend Robert had died of a massive heart attack, I felt calm. Knowing both men followed Jesus Christ reminds me I will see (or listen) to them one day again.

Robert was a surprise. Rush was expected.

While I never met Rush Limbaugh, I, like most of us who listened, found him to be a friend. Someone who encouraged us through many years of trials.

Rush is a great example of living a life to exceptional levels.

His influence on my life is profound.

The lives of my children and the paths they now follow are directly related to the inspiration this man provided me through his program.

Years ago, when our kids were small, we were trying to determine how they would be schooled.

At the time (1994-5-6) home schooling was in it’s infancy. Most people who participated were viewed as toothless bumpkins. Jerry Springer show types if you get my drift.

My wife’s sister was doing it, but I was not impressed with their lifestyle and their overall approach to life.

I was opposed to it for the same reason most are. The usual ignorant arguments. Turn them into societally retarded children, incapable of participating in American culture. That garbage. “Children need to be Socialized” was often what we heard. How VERY ironic given the word choice. Consider that sentence. Marinate on it for a few moments.

I then read “The Way Things Ought to Be” and followed it up with “See I Told You So”. Both by Rush Limbaugh.

In these books I found myself face to face with the ills of the educational system, the perils of the National Education Association and their agenda.

I read about the agendas being introduced at the time along with the Multi Culturalism coming down the pike.

Upon reading this information, doing a bit of my own research for a paper I would write, and seeing the very ills being perpetuated, even then, on the young minds in schools, I knew right then and there in no way shape or form would any of my children be a part of that.

I do not regret this choice one bit.

“Children Need to be Socialized.” I never put it fully together then. Now? We rescued them from what is taking over our country today.

What Rush wrote about back then was only an introduction for what would become the fully fledged Marxism, Communism, and seemingly every other evil you can concoct being “taught” to the kids today. Just about every evil talked about in the Bible that we are to avoid are all being promoted, instituted, and taught as normal in the schools educating our young people today.

Gone are they days of proper history, math, or grammar. Replaced with Cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and “Rate your White Privilege” garbage, Heather has Two Mommies, Transgender Rights, Alphabet Sexuality. History revisionism or for that matter, complete erasure now rules our educational institutions. (A post discussing why you must reconsider allowing your children to be a part of all this is set to follow in upcoming days)

All three of my children proper never saw a single day in a “regular” classroom until one of them went to college.

While there, she found herself light years ahead of her peers not only intellectually, but emotionally.

My stepson has spent time in both worlds. About equal time in each sphere.

The first years of life in the public sector. The latter in home schooling.

He was part of the “trophy for everyone, there are no losers” heap of steaming trash they sit on.

He, like most in the public sphere was painfully behind when I met him. He could barely read, he mumbled incoherently often, was a crybaby like I had never witnessed in my life. A real gangsta’ thug rapper to boot…at 7! Now, however, like the other 3, is years ahead of his peers in his education as well as his work ethic, character, and understanding of our country, it’s founding, it’s history and all things America. He is articulate, well spoken, has command of the language, incredibly humorous, quick witted, and a gem of a young man. (He just recently read both of Rush’s books to produce a book report for me…part of his “home schooling”). I am proud to call him a son.

One man, through a book he wrote along with his radio program, changed my decision making processes that ultimately would change the trajectory of my family radically altering the path for the “Anthony” family moving ahead.

I am one of 4 children to my parents. My children are the only grandchildren my parents will know.

Yet, the impact they are poised to have, should they make the right choices and pursue the gifts they have to the degree they are capable, can be nothing less than monumental to the world.

Rush Limbaugh was one man. A man who shows us that to succeed in life, one need only to have dogged determination and an unwillingness to quit.

When faced with enemies, criticism, or adversity, we never back down. We do not ever apologize for that in which we believe. We stand firmly on principal. Even if it means we stand alone.

As he has always said “character matters”. Indeed it does.

He showed me that a college degree is not required to influence and help others.

He showed me that we have the power as a human being to make a significant impact on the lives of others when we are living at the potential God has called us to. Many of whom we may never even know or remember.

He showed me that living a morally sound, articulate life rooted in character will not be popular with many. But that I must never back down from doing the right thing.

He showed me that it is imperative we believe in ourselves and the calling on our lives. We must follow that path relentlessly.

Most importantly, he showed me that America is an exceptional place. That God has blessed our land and we have an obligation, NO, a responsibility to do our part; do our best to keep it.

We must recognize our enemies. Both the people and the ideas set on tearing us down and destroying our institutions as well as our founding.

He showed me that a belief in America is a belief in freedom, in exceptionalism, and in greatness. It is a belief in liberty. It is a belief in that “shining city on a hill” that Ronald Reagan so eloquently described.

A shining city that when passed down allows generations after us to live in freedom and liberty as they are called to by their creator. Not in oppression and tyranny as so many others do even today.

It is a belief that all men are created equal by their creator with unalienable rights. The rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When you are connected to your purpose and you refuse to relent paired with a desire to continually improve and work hard, the impact your life can have is almost limitless.

That is what Rush Limbaugh means to me.

Thank you Mr. Limbaugh for years of education, lessons, understanding, and humor. While the Dean of the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies is no longer with us, his legacy will continue with the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Elvis, and Reagan.

May God bless Kathryn, Rush’s brother David, Rush’s staff that put his program together flawlessly day in and day out.

We all have work to do. We have a country to keep. Let us continue forward in the spirit of one of the greatest American spokesman, entertainer, and leader our country has put forth.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh.

~rob out