Getting Closer to God
Zion National Park. Home of many wonders. Angel’s Landing, Observation Point, The Watchman, The Narrows, and…Deer Trap Mountain.
The summit of Deer Trap Mountain in Zion National Park
Deer Trap mountain is one of the lesser known attractions in the park. Yet, to me, it is actually the most epic view you could see.
There is a branch off the trail going to Observation Point which would allow you to get to the peak, although this way is a full 19 miles round trip.
There is also a secret way to get there from the east side of the park. I am purposely not going to tell you where this location is…cause you are gonna have to work for it.
In this video I have a few words for you. Words you might find encouraging. They may in fact give you pause to consider the priorities you are taking in your life.
Right now so many of us are filling up our days working for “retirement”. We may be spending way too much time on Social Media.
We deny our addictions like the drunk or drug addict. Yet, we are addicted. But because it’s the internet, because it’s Facebook, we deny it has it’s grip around our throats.
If I hear one more time from someone “I know, Facebook is bad but it’s how I keep up with my grandkids.” I’m gonna punch something.
Or the church using it to post their events. “We have to be a light to the world.”.
I got news for you Sally. If this addiction is ruining the lives of those who participate through the depression they develop (and the video at the very bottom of this post states this to be true), the coveting they do through it’s posting algorithms and trying to show a better life than everyone, or any other such problem or sin the involvement with it creates, there may be some inconsistency in what you are saying and what you are doing.
Honestly, and I have gone way off trail here, I think the biggest issue I have is with the church using it and promoting it, while renouncing the evils we are facing with the onset of Marxist ideology and Critical Race Theory or Intersectionality destroying America.
Just last week and the week before, our pastor, who I respect greatly, was talking about his concerns over the fate of our country and the current assault we are under. The efforts to extinguish history and all things good. The attempts to rewrite everything. “Be careful with regard to who we allow to influence us” was something he said when noting Hitler, Nietzsche, Darwin, Freud, Marx and others who followed evil men in their own lives, leading to their ultimate world view.
During the service, at some point, when talking about something that was going on in the church, I swear I distinctly remember one of the announcers saying “And be sure to check and follow our Facebook page to keep up to date”.
You do realize, don’t you, that the founders of these Tech Giants are evil people? Clearly from the most recent, in our face efforts to censor and clean and purge all we believe in, you must see they are Marxist in their beliefs. At the very least, Oligarchs trying to squish you into nonexistence. (You should really watch The Hunger Games sometime soon)
I wonder about something. Would these pastors and frankly, all the leaders making such statements be willing to do so were the Nazis to have developed “back in the day” a public platform where people could participate and spread their news? “Be sure to join our Nazibook page to be kept up to date with the latest goings on across our church. Sure, the Nazis hate us and are looking to get rid of us and persecute us. Yes, they censor and stifle speech, manipulate the information you actually see, but we must not shy away from being the light of the world. Now, if they start killing the Jews…well…that’s where we would draw the line…not that THAT would ever happen”.
There are executives and programmers and founding members of these entities ON RECORD (see video at very bottom) stating the programming or algorithms used and written for these platforms are by design meant to create addiction. “Keep the chickens coming to the feeder”. The dopamine release which is happening because of the way the programs are written and the algorithms spread, is by design and it’s undeniable that it creates an addiction that is borderline impossible to break.
Did you know that Steve Jobs refused to let his children have Ipads or Iphones?
There is an executive from Facebook who was one of the original founders who will NOT let his children have Facebook or any other Social Media accounts. THAT should tell you EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW of the DANGERS you are putting your children in by allowing them to participate.
In other words, by building “groups” and “pages” Church, you are by your participation, helping to keep your families addicted. Helping to keep the kids locked to their phones (while you fret and worry from the pulpit about pornography addiction).
Funny…having just typed that…I realize… the same chemical releases present for the porn addiction pastors and youth leaders lecture and tirade against are the same chemical releases present which keep the sheep in their care addicted to the social media.
These leaders then lecture from the pulpit and in sermons about carving out more time for Bible Studies. “Realign your priorities” “We spend more time on Facebook and IG and Twitter than reading our Bible”.
Yet, with their Facebook pages and groups and incessant IG posts, there are plenty of reasons for the addict to get on line. To come back to the trough of puke helping to destroy the fabric of this wonderful country we call home.
For most, it’s never 3 minutes to check your church page and group. That 3 turns into 45 minutes sitting on the toilet in the bathroom, door closed, til the legs are numb before they realize they will never get that 45 minutes back…and now they can’t stand up.
In summary of my thought on all of this. Please consider the following.
(This is directed primarily at most of the church leadership in today’s America.)
1) According to the man in the video at the bottom of this post, a founder of Facebook, the Social Media giant may be one of the worst things our society has ever created. By his own admission in this quick video, Facebook is tearing apart the fabric of society and destroying everything we hold dear through the way the programs are written. It was intentionally designed as such.
2) The church frequently laments from the pulpit, in sermons, and throughout various authors that America and the society we live in is falling apart, “going to hell in a handbasket”.
If 1 is true (and I believe it is) and 2 is factual (and I have seen it first hand) then it would stand to reason there is a major contradiction in the church “message” at this moment in time. I believe there is a real problem with this disconnect. I think the church, through it’s use of and promotion of their Facebook pages, groups, messaging and so forth, is as much a part of the destruction of the family and liberty than any other entity in the world today.
“So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” James 4:17
Alright, so in my video called Priorities….
I have a few words to share along these lines, and some very epic video that takes you along with Ed and I on our hike.
Please consider sharing around. It’s helpful and who knows. Maybe one person will finally cut the cord to their addiction and stop helping to feed the monsters bent on destroying our culture.
PS, this is the Facebook Executive I mentioned. This short video is worth your time to watch. He has said in other interviews I have seen that he refuses to let his kids participate in any of the Social Media available today.