Exchanging Truth

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We look to our esteemed leaders often for guidance and encouragement.

To quote one of the most inspiring, the most moving in the history of our world.

“Come On Man!” ~Joe “Dark Winter” Biden

Come on man! Just read it. You have nothing to lose, really, I promise.

My wife is on a mission to determine if every church in the world is requiring it’s leadership and volunteer staff to wear masks when they serve. She scouring the internet to find the “truth” about whether they are or not.

“See Rob, here, and here and here” On she goes, pointing her unusually long, beautiful finger at her phone.

“It doesn’t make it any less wrong” I respond.

“I’m just curious” she counters

“To what end? What will it prove other than they are just as much a bunch of Lemmings as everyone else” and I left the room…to sit down and type this post.

This came after a long discussion lasting most of the day yesterday (Sunday) as we went over the fact that she and our son want to volunteer at our church as they attempt to get all of the programs going again. However, they are requiring everyone in the church community who serves to wear masks. This goes against our deepest convictions of right and wrong or truth and lies.

I have a number of serious problems with this. Too many to get into on a post, but I can reduce it to a single element.

Promoting fear and lies over the truth.

Let me be clear.

I do not care a bit what Wawa does, what Publix requires, Home Depot, Sam’s, Lowes, Wal-Mart, Race-trac and so on. These are private entities who have no responsibility to shepherd a flock of followers. Of sheep. They are companies free to dictate who can shop with them by what they wear. There is not a greater message in their position.

I DO CARE what the leaders of the flock of Jesus say and do. They have a unique responsibility not like any other in a free market world.

Sheep dependent on it’s Shepherd(s) to lead and keep them in balance. To feed them the truth and expose lies.

Not just lies according to scripture and about sin. But lies about life and government.

Not just helping them to see the lie of an affair with a married man or woman and all it promises is flawed, but so too the lies from our leaders.

Not just expressing that sex outside of marriage being okay is a “lie from the enemy”, so too we are lied to from human enemies at times in government.

How often I have heard “that’s a lie from the enemy” related to Satan or his cohorts. Haven’t you?

I mean be honest. How many biblical teachers have you heard in your life say that very thing.

“That’s a lie from the enemy”.

This is often paired with “To keep you living in fear or guilt”.

Well, if that’s true about Satan and the fear and the guilt, certainly it can be true about government, the CDC, or even the god man and highly revered Dr. Anthony Fauci.

My wife and son went to the meeting yesterday afternoon to gather data about what to do and what to expect for their volunteer experience. They both left confused at the stated requirement that everyone serving must wear masks.

“We are requiring it so that people feel safe”.

Alright, so if we can observe and know that mask wearing does nothing to keep us safe (read the book above), is this not then promoting a lie by action?

The mask either keeps us safe or it doesn’t. It’s either true or a lie.

If you read that short book, you will clearly see that it is a total lie. Fully and totally a lie.

Further, you will see the actions of folks the likes of Dr. Fauci and other political leaders is/are a full 180 degree turn from 35 years of data and scientific reports (let alone their own on record statements) saying that very thing; Masks do not work to keep you safe from respiratory airborne virus. Period.

I am not a scientist. Of that I am willing to admit.

I have learned about people in my 52 years on earth. I have learned a simple truth over life. It’s this.

I do not care what you say about anything. I care only about what you DO!

If what YOU DO does not line up with what YOU SAY, you are lying. Period.

With that being said, specifically about this mask nonsense and the church leadership embracing and helping to promote the lie, I simply ask you to consider this small sampling of saying versus doing examples off the top of my head. I could most certainly come up with pages and pages of it. I think these few examples should suffice.

I won’t even cite them because I am sure you have already seen the clips or read the articles. If you haven’t a quick search on https://duckduckgo.com/ will get you there.

Governor Gavin Newsome of California while severely oppressing his entire state through the use of lockdowns, mask mandates and other methods was photographed in the fall at The French Laundry with a group of 25 of more. They are in close quarters having dinner. None of them were practicing “Social Distancing” and not a single one of them were wearing a mask. To be clear, this was in the fall. Well into the entire “mask up” phase.

He didn’t even deny that he did it. In fact he came out with a video a few days later telling everyone that while he was a little wrong in doing so, “for we are all human” everyone still “must obey my mandates”.

Dr Fauci was famously photographed at a ball game with friends sans mask. This is after his 180 turnabout on masks not working. First, according to him (and the Surgeon General), they don’t work. A bit later, they do and you should all be wearing them.

Most recently our now fearless, skilled orator “Dark Winter” Soldier Biden signed an executive order mandating across the nation the use of masks on all federal property for at least 100 days. If you are on federal property anywhere in the United States, you must now wear a mask.

Oddly, just hours after signing this mandate, he and his entire family were videoed and photographed at the Lincoln Memorial without masks.

A short while after this was exposed there was a press briefing. His press secretary was fielding questions about this very incident. Of course, you guessed it, she was not wearing a mask…and was on federal property.

Anthony Fauci was giving a briefing a few days later on camera. Also on federal land in a federal building. He was not wearing a mask.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of other examples of these leaders who are pushing this mask nonsense breaking their own requirements. It’s a never ending stream.

This, and this alone is all I personally need to recognize this is nothing more than a manipulative effort by leadership of the American population to see how far they can go in taking away civil liberties.

Sadly, the church has signed up.

“We want to make people feel safe” (embracing fear)

“We don’t want to hurt our grandparents” (embracing guilt)

Fear and guilt are not tools of Christ. They are tools of Satan.

That’s what I have been told my entire life as a Christian and it’s what I believe.

So, church, will you continue to promote fear? Will you continue to help the evil sell the lie?

Is this the proper model as a Christian leader?

Make it “feel safe”?

I always have been led to believe the church is responsible for embracing and preaching the truth. To stand in the face of oppression. To stand for right and oppose wrong. To preach truth and expose lies. To let it’s light shine EVEN IF IT’S COUNTER to popular culture. To not worry about what the world thinks and is doing, and instead stand apart from the world. Even if this means standing alone. Even if this means we are not popular or cool or loved by them.

Maybe not so much?

Ironically, two statements and scriptures were hammered home in the past 2 weeks from the pulpit in our church.

“They exchanged the truth for a lie”


“We are to be salt and light”

I could make the case that going along with the lie isn’t very salty and it certainly is not exposing the truth. It’s turning off the light so darkness and fear is encouraged to take root and is allowed to rule, as it’s doing in this decision to require masks.

My question to all church leadership then can only be as follows.

The revered god like figure Anthony Fauci just last week has upped the ante on masking now.

In a televised interview this man actually is now stating that it would be far better if people were to start double masking. Yes, DOUBLE MASKING.

In case you are shaking your head a little; that means putting on one mask, and then putting on another over it.

Church leaders, if you are true to your word and you want everyone to feel safe, I am calling on you to require all volunteers to begin double masking if you believe these leaders (as it seems you do). If the leader of the CDC is calling for it, and you really want your congregants to “feel safe”, based on your own standards, you simply cannot do any less than this.

In fact, I received a report from my daughter yesterday while she was shopping in Aldi. There was a woman donning 2 masks, rubber gloves, and google/glasses. I am confident she likely had seen the report from the god man the other day. Will she, and others like her feel safe we’re she to bring her kids to your church for the youth program if the volunteers are single masking alone?

Require everyone to double mask if you choose to continue to embrace the sell; if you insist on exchanging truth for lies as you attempt to help everyone “feel safer”.

~rob out

PS The oft quoted “The Truth Will Set You Free” would seem to only apply when convenient any more. Maybe this should be changed to “You will hear the truth and the truth will set you free, except of course, if the truth is being mandated by the CDC or the WHO, or the god man Dr Fauci, in which case the truth is whatever they say it is on a given day and is always, ALWAYS subject to change on their whim”.

PPS If you are up for more reading, this is OUTSTANDING. One, if not all of the authors are Christians and they also have quite a statistical and scientific resume. Buy It Here.

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Robert Anthony

We are Robert and Joelle Anthony and we are your hosts at Living with Rob. In 2023, we sold our business and our home to begin traveling in our RV full time across America. The purpose of our journey is to do photography and video to share the wonder or God’s Creation with you, our visitor.

Through our adventures we hope to inspire you to reconsider what’s really important in life and in so doing that you may find a sense of peace and true meaning.


Rob Rants From McKittrick


Getting Closer to God