Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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F*ck you Facebook


Have you read The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck?

You should.

It’s one of the greatest books I have read.

Today, I came home and at 5pm I began dehazing the headlights on the Scion XB.

The 250k miled beast had (note…had) some pretty yellowing headlight plastic.


It’s great. They are like new.

I can’t wait to go to the gym tomorrow before the sun comes up just so I can test them out.

Great times.

While doing that work, I couldn’t shake a few head hauntings I am having.

Friends, I have a problem.

The problem is Facebook…and Twitter, and all the other ass wipe platforms censoring free speech and pushing a Socialist/Communist agenda.

I have been led to believe that if I want to grow in my business, I simply must use these platforms.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.

Yet, these companies stand against literally everything I believe in.

As a Christian and as an American, these companies defy all that I hold dear.

Pastors, political leaders, you, my friends, all railing against their insane tactics. The f*cking fact checkers, the censoring.

It’s like communist China, communist Russia in the bad times under Stalin and Lenin…it’s not much different today, Cuba, Venezuela, hell, even Canada, the pansiest country around. It’s not unlike Adolph Hitlers Germany.

Yet here you are, posting, ranting, bitching. Here I AM, doing the same thing?

To what end?

Zuckerburg, bastard F*ck that he is has made it clear; they will be censoring and shadow banning anyone that believes like we do.

Freedom, liberty, questioning the Tyrants. Banned, Censored, limited distribution.

They willingly and brazenly go forward stating this is their intent.

Who the hell cares what you post?

If it doesn’t meet their approval, it’s not going anywhere anyway!

It’s a liberal, circular, cesspool, doing nothing but pushing evil.

I have seen page after page that supports freedom shutdown, locked, censored, “disciplined” for no reason. Or reasons that are at best hypocritical.

I’ve tried, but I’m not sure I can keep up with it.

My personality can’t handle the ignorance. The utter spinelessness of pastors and churches. The evil and depravity being pushed as Okay.

Anything that questions the incoherent logic being pushed by liars and bureaucrats bent on control is “fact checked” and censored. Information that is fully backed is blacklisted as “fake”.

Information pulled from websites such as the CDC, years of data and published documents are now, suddenly “fake” because they go against what these jackasses are trying to shove down your throats.

Gaslighting at it’s finest. But hey, that’s Satan for you.

I am in a constant state of anger.

I am a conservative Christian hanging out in a playground where it seems almost everyone on the swing sets, slides, merry go round, are against all I hold to be true and dear.

Not only am I angry at the company called Facebook, I am angry at the people who should be standing against this bullshit for being full of…nothing but empty threats and words. Hiding behind “the love of Christ” in their apathy and unwillingness to fight and take a stand. As if Jesus was some kind of pansy that rolled over. Conservatives, pastors, friends. The list continues to grow of those who say the world is ending…but violence is out of the question.

No, he took the grenade for us all. There is STILL A WAR going on. If it was finished when he died, the book of Revelation would not exist. One part of the very calculated Master Plan (Mr. Fox) was the death and resurrection. Nuclear Jesus, AR 15 Jesus, Tank Busting Jesus, Special Forces God Help You if you stand Face to Face with him as an Enemy Jesus and his angel Armies come next.

He is going to make the table turning of old look like playing jacks on the pavement when he comes for the last time.

At least that’s how I understand it.

I am no Spurgeon, Lewis, Luther, Calvin, Toser. I have nothing in the tank compared to them. I just have my opinion. My gut.


It cannot mean that much to me. It MUST not.

Money and the growth of business cannot be so important to me that I support or contribute in ANY way to ANYTHING that seeks to destroy the America that I love.

Worse yet, that seeks to defame the God that I serve, the Savior that I love, who died to free me from the grasp of sin and liberate me into freedom. Freedom from sin and freedom from Tyrants and their evil desires to rule my life.

With God…all things. ALL things are possible. I DO NOT need Satan and his minions to grow the business, the farm I have been handed to work.

That’s how I see the platform called Facebook.

And yes, Candace can sue. That’s great.

But these Mother F-ers depend on ad dollars to live. PERIOD.

If they lost the ad revenue, they are finished.

I am only one. I will make little difference alone.

But multiply me by millions…upon millions…and it suddenly matters to pricks like Zuckerburg. Pencil neck, frail, pansy geek that he is.

I just can’t be convinced the dopamine release is worth my soul. I can’t believe it’s worth the soul of our nation.

I just can’t be.

I won’t be.

Those that died for our liberty are too important to me. Their sacrifices are too unimaginable for me to think that Facebook and Twitter and IG are okay.

My business growth matters little when compared to a husband who gave his life in the name of American Liberty in World War 2.

It matters none when compare to the Chris Kyles of our world. Those Rottweiler men who gave it all that we might be safe.

That League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, the Hellboys that bump back in the night when the beast comes for us.

I love and admire these men. Two of my own are of these men.

I cannot let temporary pleasure, or greed, or fantasy take a priority over them.

While I have very much LOVED reconnecting with many friends, while I have enjoyed the connection to those I once knew, or now know….

It’s more than my conscience can withstand.

I no longer think this is a game…or cute…or fun.

I believe FB, Twitter, IG are enemies of all I hold dear. I cannot be a part of their desire to help usher in our own personal Hunger Games world.

Please consider following me by signing up for my blog feed using the link below. I’d love to have you as part of this family. My family.

A family of liberty, freedom, patriotism, Christianity and American exceptionalism.

To hell with these F*cks and their Marxist ideals and beliefs.

~Live free or die.