I’ve Never Been Fond of Oligarchs
#warriorpoet #trump #maga #america #livefreeordie
Good Bye Bezos. No more soup for you!
Facebook bans us. Twitter Bans us. Apple and Google war against us through their app stores. Shopify bans patriots like Warrior Poet Society and President Trump from selling their wares.
Amazon steps up to the plate to swing and knocks Parler out for the count with their server/hosting shutdown.
No More will Jeff Bezos, the founder and Oligarch who owns Amazon enjoy any taking of money from this American citizen.
Today marks a historic day.
Google, Apple, and Amazon have made a concerted effort to silence the voice of Parler. I guess, what can be called the Conservative Twitter. Although, they make no special effort to align with any political side.
Over the past week, we have watched as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, Youtube, and Amazon have taken drastic steps in an all out assault on the conservatives across the land. Across the world.
Censoring and shutting down any and all things that go against the particular stand they maintain in their political persuasion.
You know, if you are reading here and are in fact a liberal, you, too, should be very concerned with what is taking place. While for now, you may be celebrating in jubilee as the tech giants work to shut down the conservative voice, you will not be immune to the total takeover in their Totalitarian wet dream.
In Hitler’s take over of Europe, it did not end with the Jews. Soon, blacks, browns, mentally retarded, gays, all of them and more became societal scourges in his mind. Ultimately unless you had blonde hair and blue eyes, you were taken to prison camps to die by starvation, in ovens, cooked to death, or by firing squad.
You think it won’t happen to you?
Neither did the folks in Germany who watched in complete complacency as other human beings were ushered off in his great purge of all he viewed as perversion or filth.
In truth, any and everything he disliked and disagreed with.
Man’s condition has not changed much since then.
You will soon see unless you stand up to stop it. I care very little of what side of the fence you are currently on. You will not be immune. Even though fools like the Borat actor seem to think otherwise in his infinite wisdom and intellect.
We have entered a war. A different war, but a war none the less, and the enemies of freedom are on our shores. They are housed right here in our land. Taking our money. Taking it through memberships, through ad dollars, through marketing.
You are a willing participant, making them rich, giving them endless power and finances, with which, as I see more clearly now, they will use to suppress you, your ideas, your desires, whenever they do not meet with their approval.
They are so brilliant, they are even protected under federal law from suit, from prosecution. They are Oligarchs, Tyrants, Despots. Ruling now with complete autonomy. Using the very crutches, the very addictions they have groomed you with for the past 20 years, against you.
Think I am crazy?
Try, just TRY to live without that Android, that IPhone. Try and get off Facebook. Stop using Amazon. And boy, try and stop posting your small, grass in the wind life all over Instagram in your lust for attention.
As much as the free loving Trump supporters across the country, all 80 million or so of us, TALK of hating this, hating these entities, we are still using their cocaine. Amazon, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram. We come back every day, willingly giving them access to our data, our personal lives, our money.
Yes, you all scream “regulate them”. I have a HUGE news update for you.
They are private entities, that are doing nothing more than taking your money that you are WILLINGLY giving them through your continued use of their platforms.
Tyranny stops ONLY when YOU make the choice to stop it.
That is why, tonight, I have decided, as I watch this horror unfold before my eyes, I am making the choice to do all that I can to distance myself from their grip, regardless of how tough it might make my life temporarily.
Is it hard for the woman to leave the tyrant husband for roads yet untraveled, wondering how she will ever get by without him?
Hell yes it is.
Is it worth it?
You are damn well right it is.
For years, warriors have fought for our cause. In utter gratitude and humility I think of the men and women who froze to death in the winters of Europe, who took bullets, who stormed beaches, traversed jungles, endured the harshest deserts.
The sacrifices and hardships that they have undergone, most willingly for your and my freedom to choose who and what we will buy from in our lives today, are enormous. These make my choices to go without infinitesimally small in comparison.
I WILL NOT have my sons suffer in vain and act the hypocrite complaining of what these despots are doing, while doing literally nothing about it.
NO. My sons are too important to me. The cause they serve to grand. The sacrifices the make too large for me to keep on keeping on.
Keeping up the status quo because to do anything else would be too difficult.
I am tired. So very tired of all of us, all of you, that complain and bitch, yet keep the status quo.
No, I will no longer participate. I will no longer willingly live under this attempt at oppression. Let alone help FUND it by using their services.
Today I canceled my Amazon Prime membership.
So, to date.
Disney Plus~ Cancelled
Netflix~ Cancelled
Amazon Prime~Cancelled
Youtube~Leaving the Platform
F—- all of you!
I hope that you will seriously consider joining me in this one man crusade to set an example.
If you stay, do not complain. Simply accept it and verbally communicate to yourself daily, “I am choosing to continue to enable these crooks, by my choices and I am happy to do so”. I can respect your honesty.
If you stay and continue complaining, shame on you. You are an embarrassment to your country.
At least have the courage to honestly and openly admit your dependency and your unwillingness to do anything that might put you out a little for a bit of a while.
While I have few that follow me. While my voice is small, and inconsequential to most….
There are 4 that I know watch me closely.
It is for them I do this.
So they can look at me. They can point at dad and say “My dad, he means what he says, says what he means. If he says he’s going to do it, he does.”
Boys, I do this for you. Your commitment to our cause and your love of America and it’s values as you live your lives upholding the oath to defend our shores and our nation from enemies outside and in is something I honor. Knowing your job will at times put you at deaths door, perhaps meeting our savior, Jesus, before I do, you still go.
I do not take it lightly.
Please consider sharing this with others if you feel so moved.
We have a battle to wage and the time is upon us to do so.
The freedom to live life as we want is at stake.
Freedom to photograph, to go to work, to live with loved ones, to share our ideas, dreams, and desires. Freedom to speak freely, to worship, to live in peach and quite.
They are on the line.
We need you.
America needs you.