Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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“Follow the Science, my God, follow the Science…” our first “Karen” forcefully, even dare I say, loudly demanded of my wife yesterday; smiling, happy, lovely, pretty, care free, goofy Joelle.

Now, I use the Karen label in some level of ignorance. It’s a phrase my daughter used to describe the lady. Apparently, this is a descriptive term, or name, to identify an individual like the one visiting our business yesterday. I don’t know fully from where it originates. I know it’s a negative term.

It seems like it’s just a term to describe what I might deem a “Screaming Ninny”. To me, that’s what this woman sounded like.

Can I confess something to you? As Christian, I struggle with this. Maybe it’s my being an 8 on the Enneagram that cripples me here. (The enneagram is a test one can take that in essence puts a number on your personality type). An 8 is best likened to a snowplow. That defines me.

Jesus taught love. Today, the Christian is told to love, love, love. Tolerance. Kindness. Love them even as they take your freedom away.

When I am faced with, or someone I care about is faced with a Screaming Ninny, I can get rather impatient. It tests my ability to remain cordial.

Yesterday was no different. I’m glad I wasn’t at the shop.

Our incident was brought about because we have an 8x12 sign in our front window, near the handle of our door, that says “Masks NOT Required”.

In a world where every business around has bowed to the Governmental edict that everyone shall wear masks in their entity, I chose to be a non conformist.

In an act of typical American rebelliousness, I chose instead to let people know, that in my company at least you are free to choose. If you want to wear a mask, wear one. If not, don’t, you are free to choose. Period.

I want to provide a place where should you feel like you must wear a mask, you are free to do so, but if you, like many others are feeling more and more oppressed, you will find a place embracing freedom, like what America stands for. I think of images in our past of POW’s or Soldiers coming home kneeling down to kiss the ground. I wish to provide this kind of feeling. A little haven of freedom, where all are welcome. Where liberty is embraced.

I want to provide a place where the stress of “Oh Lord, I am against this masking, it stands against much of what I believe, but the stress of the shaming from the masses compels me to comply.”

No, it compels you to “follow” as the title suggests.

We regularly eat at Tijuana Flats in our area. I took note a few days ago of a sign in their window and on their doors. “Face Mask required unless sitting at a table”.

I’m sorry. This has to be the most ridiculous and idiotic concept I have seen. At least in the top 5 of my life.

“Follow the Science” the woman lectured my wife yesterday. That above Tijuana sign is based on this woman’s “Science”.

No thanks. It just makes you an idiot.

It’s almost like the people in higher leadership are making fun of us. “Get them to wear masks using the most ridiculous standards imaginable”.

I picture a room full of high school jock and cheerleader types concocting ways to pick on the nerds and “less than” folks. Sitting around devising plans to humiliate and make fun of them and snicker behind their backs.

“I’ve got it!” proclaims one of them.

“Let’s put signs up that say, ‘when in this building, put the mask on when you are standing, but when you sit down, take it off’ and see how many of them go along”.

Sadly, it would seem like almost everyone I know “follows” this “science”.

This woman yesterday…she was one of the poor saps these jock/leader types laugh hysterically at behind closed doors. At least that’s my theory.

While in our store, the woman stood as far away from my wife as possible going on and on about how she cannot believe we have a sign in our window as we do.

“You need to follow the science”

“I’m a nurse and the DEATH I have SEEN!”.

“It’s the Law, you guys are breaking the law”

“I really wanted to buy from you, but now I can’t because of this.”

“I have been buying here my whole life, and now I can’t”.

And the cherry on top of the cake

“I want to buy this…but only if you put on a mask”.

Make sure you get this last one. It’s a window allowing you to see the ultimate goal here. Control. Compliance. True tyrannical rule.

I have been a bit skeptical.

Even if I have seen video of these idiots treating business owners like this on the internet (and I have) I can’t imagine it’s real. It’s so stupid, it’s so Un American, I just can’t fathom it’s really happening.

Apparently, it is.

Why is it when we have to follow the science, it means to do so, even if you have an arsenal of information to refute their “science”.

Worse yet, why are they unwilling to even listen.

You can say “but I am following the science”. You can hand them then 30 years of printed data that contradicts everything we are NOW being told, all of it turned 180 degrees from the previous 30 years in the matter of a couple of weeks in March of 2020. Yet, they say “THAT’S NOT SCIENCE”.

No, that’s not the “science” they want you to see and believe now. They are spoon feeding you “new science”. It’s a science they are making up on the fly. It really, really is.

Why is the “science” one sided?

Why is the “science” in the past year always used as a means to oppress, take away, destroy liberty?

Why is any science that would refute their “science” discounted, marginalized, maligned?

Well, it’s simple. Science that promotes freedom and liberty bad. Science that promotes oppression of rights and liberty good.

How can it be that everyone cannot see this?

Trying to talk reason to this woman fell on deaf ears. It always will whenever talking to anyone like this.

In truth, how can you reason with someone screaming “follow the science” while she reaches up, with her dirty finger, to pull one of her multiple masks up, that keeps coming off while she’s running her mouth? Yes really, this actually kept happening.

“Maybe if you stopped talking you wouldn’t have to keep putting yourself in such danger by adjusting your mask every 90 seconds. You bring death one inch closer to you every time you touch your nose/face area, you fool.

How can you reason with anyone that comes into agreement with a sign that says “Face masks required other than when seated at a table” in a restaurant?

“You are breaking the law”.

No we are not.

While our county may still have an edict in place demanding compliance to a mask mandate, our governor has said otherwise.

Ron De Santis made it ABUNDANTLY clear months and months ago that the State of Florida was placing (in essence) a cease and desist on any and all local governments in our state attempting to impose mask mandates. “They cannot and will not be enforced” was his exact wording.

So technically, given this was coming from the top agency of government in our state, who really is “breaking the law”? I would argue it’s the counties like Orange and Osceola, not us. Cities like Orlando, Tampa or others that may be attempting to do so.

But you can’t tell people like this woman such. She wouldn’t hear it.

My wife, to her credit, stayed calm and just kept saying “Well, I’m sorry, we just don’t believe in that ‘science’ and we don’t require masks in here. You can wear them as you are, but we do not require it”.

It kept going in circles and the woman just wasted a lot of our time. The woman kept badgering her relentlessly.

In a factual sense, the woman, were she really bothered by it and were she a rational human being, could have just walked by, never coming in.

If it bothers you that much, just don’t come in. Don’t shop. Call on the phone but avoid coming in.

Her actions, however, expose the root of this evil.

It’s not about the “science”. I have at my disposal a dump truck load of information that refutes and disproves any and all of the now “science” the governments are using to impose these mandates.

No, it’s not about science at all.

It’s about compliance. Obedience. About following.

And I have news for you.

Telling Robert Anthony to comply and follow? Good luck with that.

I am glad I wasn’t there. It wouldn’t have ended well for that woman.

Me not being there, being distanced from it, helped me maintain the proper “Christian” perspective.

It made it much easier for me to remind my wife and daughter that “well, people like this are just afraid, fearful, and they need Jesus more than ever”.

Doesn’t that sound nice?

It does.

So much nicer than…

“Listen, lady, I note your two masks. In the future, if you ever have sex again, make sure he’s wearing 2 condoms, that he’s double condommed, cause we sure don’t need any more of you running around.”

And then, I pray. Jesus please forgive for being so impatient, forceful, and rude.

These are the struggles in my mind.

Not Christlike at all. I confess.

It’s sad, this state of our society.

In closing, allow me to share this irony with you. Think on this.

In general, across the board, you will find that most of the folks demanding masking are liberals.

Conservative Governors across the country refuse to impose mandates requiring masks. “You are free to choose” is their model. Free to Choose. Get that part in your mind.

One more time, Free To Choose.

It’s the Liberals, the “Progressives” that wish to impose the restrictions. Regulate you into mask wearing.

When I tried the whole Facbook thing last year for the business every “friend” on there droning on and on about the idiots walking around refusing to wear masks were liberals.

Every person I know personally who agrees with the mandate is a liberal. Some, flaming liberal.

They all believe everyone should be forced to wear masks.

Many of whom use the excuses that we are doing it to save the old people.

Old people, who have lived a LONG life as the most vulnerable are over 70. (Bible makes it clear, every year after 70 is a real bonus).

These folks want us to wear masks to protect the old people…and protect them along with it. “Your mask protects me”.

So they try to force me to wear a mask and like to try and use “law” to do it.

Yet, these very same people scream bloody murder for their right to commit bloody murder.

“MY BODY, MY CHOICE” as they rant and rage for their rights to kill their unborn children.

Unborn children who have yet to experience a single day of life.

Yet, we have no concern for their well being.

We are told the right to end their life is a human right. It should be protected in fact by law.

“Children are only an inconvenient consequence resulting from my choice to have sex outside of marriage with whomever I choose to have sex with. I should have the right to not only do that whenever and with whomever I desire, but should it result in a child being conceived, of which I have no desire to care for, I should be able to kill that child and rid myself of the responsibility. No law should stop me from doing so. No law should ever stop me from being able to make these choices. My Body MY CHOICE!”

This is not to say that women married won’t commit abortion. This is also not putting forth the argument they always seem to put forth. You know, the “rape” and “health of the mother” arguments. These are but a small and minor percentage of the overall total of murders being committed. Not worthy of inclusion into my thoughts today. They present an entirely different set of arguments.

These same people now try and dictate what I can and cannot do with my body and THREATEN me to boot “…I won’t buy here unless you put on a mask”.

My prayer really needs to be;

“Lord, forgive our land for how we have become so upside down, where evil is now called good and good is now called evil. Give me the wisdom to know how to deal with this awful cancer destroying our land. Give me the wisdom to know how to properly deal with the evil taking over every fragment of the United States, the land of liberty and freedom.

Help me to see how I can stand against this. Help me to help my brothers and sisters in this fight, who willingly go along with the evil as it attempts seemingly daily to take new and higher ground in it’s efforts to rid our country of your word your presence. Help me to encourage them to not be afraid, but instead to stand against and stop being so weak”.

As I continue to say, if you like wearing a mask, if you feel safe in spite of the contradictions of the government, the CDC, the WHO and their years of data, that’s your choice.

You are in no position whatsoever however to impose your will upon me, my staff, or my family.

And screw you for even trying.

~rob out