Living with Rob - Robert Anthony - Photographer - Traveling Advice - Speaker - Life Coaching and Advice

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Dodge Caravan Camper Van Build

When I travel, I am doing so in a 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan self built camper van. The van is my test.

I need to see if I really like this whole driving across the nation in a van to do video and photography.

Honestly, I don’t like driving much However, I do like where the van is capable of taking me.

Camped at the literal edge of the Grand Canyon

The way in which I have set up the van, it’s a very quick and easy way to travel to epic places. It takes very, very little to set it up for sleeping.

If you start following the Youtube adventures I am posting each week, you are going to see really cool and unusual spots where I have been able to set up camp for the night or even a number of days.

No camper to pull, no nothing. Just a man, in a van…traveling the land.

I hope you enjoy a view into my build.

Hey, maybe it will inspire you to try something new.

Parked for lunch at Ship Rock in New Mexico

Overall, I don’t have even $1500 into this build out and I have everything I would ever need to live for months on end on the road (which I plan to do again in September).

Perhaps a day will come that I can look into a buildout of a Sprinter or a Promaster.

However, with the used and even new car market being so negatively affected by the government virus shutdowns last year, I don’t know when in the future used car prices in particular will start coming back down to a normal level.

Hey, you never know.

Perhaps someone, somewhere will fall in love with what I am doing and decide to sponsor me to do photography and video for their brand or entity and in so doing, through that sponsorship, provide for me a new, larger, traveling van.

I can always hope and “believe”.


Enjoy the little van tour this week.

Next week? Petrified Forest National Park!