Man’s Stupidity
Aerial Photo with My Mavic Air2 Drone over the Teton Range
Can we imagine for a moment that Levi and I, standing in this photo, are having a discussion. He says he sees snow across the range, I tell him, there is no snow. He says there is snow, and I resolutely continue to claim, no, there is no snow, he is seeing things. There is no snow. I tell him, there WAS snow, but now, there is no snow. He may THINK he is seeing snow, but there is NO snow on the range below us.
I’d like to ask anyone reading this to consider the following.
I want to preface this first by noting that my post here was sparked by a video I watched. It’s attached below. I could only stomach about the first 4 minutes before I closed out…with a mummer of “Idiots” coming out of my mouth.
In this debate you will watch some snarky comments by, of all things, fellow “conservatives” implying that the “right thing” to do is keep everyone alive (Trey Gowdy) and some of the ways to do this is of course masking and so on.
Again, I can’t state this resolutely and loudly enough.
Per the CDC’s own website and the WHO’s website from last year (based on 30 years of data) they claimed masks of any kind do not work to stop the spread of virus. Period. In fact, should you look at most of the packaging on most masks you are purchasing today, you are likely to see a disclaimer that the mask in the package will not stop the spread of viruses.
I (because I am smart that way) found the data (CDC and WHO) last year and printed it all. I did so because I knew with time the tyrants among us would eventually scrub the webpages. They would do so when people like me became hip to their game of manipulating truth in their efforts to control the population (which they are doing now).
The people I saw speak while watching this video are idiots.
To repeat, All and I mean ALL the data formerly on the CDC site along with the WHO site related to masks and virus spread stated clearly that masks DO NOT stop virus spread. They do not even reduce it.
From above, this is their version of “There is no snow…regardless of what you think you see, there is no snow”.
Most of you would read my opening statements and say that it’s ME that’s the one who is crazy here. Not Levi. I am claiming something is true that is utterly false. Even with the evidence before us, I completely deny reality. YET, a vast percentage of American’s think that it’s folks like me (not story Rob) or Governor Abbot or DeSantis who are crazy. We would be the Levi in the above metaphorical exercise. Instead they are choosing to believe the people like Fauci, Biden, Harris, Obama, Tom Hanks (for God’s sake) and others who are actually represented by the part I assign myself in the tale above.
End of story.
For anyone to believe otherwise…is stupid. Reduced down to it’s simplest form…it’s just plain STUPID.
rob out
PS If the recent episode of Obama having his birthday party with all his Elite friends, (Tom Hanks Included) none of which are masked (while they all demand you mask up, even being vaccinated) , isn’t enough to cause you to question any and all of their motives, there is literally no hope for you intellectually in this debate. We can’t even talk reasonably because anyone not seeing this and it’s flagrant hypocrisy is unwilling to see the forest right before them as they deny the trees are there. They believe there is NO SNOW on the RIDGELINE even though they are looking right at it. How can you even talk reasonably together?
They continue to deny the truth…and far too many are willingly going along.